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CD102 - Serenade for Horn Quartet by GoepfartCD102

CD101 - Anton WundererCD101

CD100 - Chamber Symphonies No. 14, 15 & 16 Bear Valley Fanfares & Bear Wald SeptetCD100

CD99 - Sympony for Brass +, Opus 333CD99

CD98 - Ockeghem Complete Works Vol. 3CD98

CD94 - LütgenCD92

CD92- EwaldCD92

CD91 - Choros N. 4 by Villa Lobos CD91

CD90 - Sinfonietta for 4 horns - H. BecherCD90

CD89 - Adolph Jäckel's Horn QuartetCD89

CD88 - Beautifully Relentless, Op. 322CD88

CD87 - Duvernoy Duets Op. 3 on Natural hornCD88

CD86 - Casting Out DemonsCD87

CD85 - Otto Nicolai Duets on Natural hornCD85

CD84 - Artot Quartet No. 1CD84

CD83 - Horn Quartets by ArtotCD83

CD82 - Horn Trios by ArtotCD82

CD81 - 64 String QuartetsCD81

CD80 - 64 Horn QuartetsCD80

CD79A -Ignaz Böck TriosCD79A

CD79B - Punto TriosCD79B

CD78 - Beethoven & ReichaCD78

CD77 - Yin-Yang Beauty No. 2CD77

CD76 - Found These: ThreeCD76

CD75 - RoB's Chamber Music - vol. 1CD75

CD74 - Following GlacierCD74

CD73 - Handsome horn solos - v. 2CD73

CD72 - Gumpert Horn Quartets - v. 4CD72

CD71 - Gumpert Horn Quartets v. 3CD71

CD70 - Gumpert  Horn Quartets v. 2CD70

CD69 - Gumpert Horn Quartets v. 1CD69

CD68 Handsome horn solos - vol. 168

CD67 - Glacier Suites etc.CD67

CD66 - A Lake of Violet Flames Op. 310CD66

CD65 - More Natural Horn MusicCD65

CD64 - 64 horn solos (icsV5), Op. 293CD64

CD63 - 64 horn duets (icsV5), Op. 292CD63

CD62 - The Mindset Nonet, Op. 242CD62

CD61 - Vortex Breathing & I Ching Chants, Op. 244CD61

CD60 - Wilder Graas PresserCD60

CD59 - A Walk with Giants & Motor 1 2 4 8 7 5CD59

CD58 - Music We PublishCD58

CD57 - Piano works: Wave, Relentless & moreCD57

CD56 - ParticlesCD56

CD55 - DuetsCD55

CD54 - The 270'sCD54

CD53 - Burdick & Harbison QuartetsCD53

CD52- Found These Too CD52 

CD51- Microtonal I Ching CyclesCD51

CD50 - I Ching ElementsCD50

CD49 - Brass Music, Op. 9, 10, 45, 268, 269 &150bCD49

CD48 - Giovanni GastoldiCD48

CD47CD47 - I Ching Rhythms,Op. 209

CD46 - A Rainbow of I Ching triadsCD46

CD45 - North American Horn MusicCD45

CD44 - Opening the SphinxCD44

CD43 - Music of Silvio CosciaCD43

CD42 - I Sound My HornCD42

CD41 - American Horn Music - vol. 2CD41

CD40 - Retrospective II - The horn QuartetsCD40

CD39 - Bach by Popular DemandCD39

CD38 - Matthew Locke Broken &  Flatte Consorts CD38

CD37 - Microtonal music of R O BurdickCD37

CD36 - Classical Natural Horn Duvernoy & Schneider CD36

CD35 - Twenty-Two Trios for  Horns, Op. 156CD35

CD34 - Natural Horn Music FOUNDCD34

CD33CD33 - More than 64 Quartets for Horns based on the I Ching

CD32 - American Horn Music of the 40's & 50'sCD32

CD31 - Grand Music of J. F. Gallay - vol. 2CD31

CD30 - Grand Music of J. F. Gallay - vol. 1CD30

CD29 - Astral Waves & Phosphor CD29


CD27a - Castelnuovo Tedesco horn quartetCD27a

CD27 - Anton Reicha Trios Op. 82 & 93CD27

CD26 - Accuracy Studies For the French horn studentCD26

CD25a - Bach Cantata BWV 132 No. 1CD25a

CD25 - Nice NotesCD25

CD24 - Duets, opus 132 complete in the "one takes"CD24

CD23 - More than 64 solos for Horn, Op. 139CD23

CD22 – Naderman’s Music for Horn and HarpCD22

CD21 - Beyond FavoritesCD21

CD20 - Classical GasCD20

CD19a - Dauprat's trios Op. 26CD19A

CD19 -  Dauprat's Grand MusicCD19

CD18 - Louis-Francois Dauprat Duos for Horns, Opus 13 - vol. 2CD18

CD17 - Favorites - Barber, Grieg, Bach BWV 82 & 225CD17

CD16 - Howlers Revised 2006 Dauprat  Duets, Op. 14, MozartCD16

CD15 - J. S. Bach's Easter  Oratorio, BWV 249CD15

CD14 - Dauprat Op. 8CD14

CD13 - 64 Duets, Op. 132 part two #17-34CD13

CD12 - Reveré by V. HerbertCD12

CD11 - 64 Duets, Op. 132 part one #1-16 CD11

CD10 - The Planets for solo horn, opus 19CD10

CD 9 - Louis-Francois Dauprat Duos for Horns, Op. 13CD9

CD 8 - Portal Solo Multi-phonic French horn In An Environment of drones & overtones.CD8


CD 6 - "Richard Burdick with tape" CD6

CD 5 - "Let Me Out" CD5

CD 4 - 4.5 INCH SINGLE -- Aaron Blumenfeld’s Horn Sonata CD4

CD 3  - Howlers Louis-François Dauprat’s 20 Duos for Natural CD3

CD 2 - I Ching ArpeggiosCD2 

CD1CD 1 - Rebel with a Horn