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I Ching Music logoCD70

Gumpert Quartets vol. 2
Romantic Music for Horn Quartet

Alternative title:
Ausgewählte Horn-Quartette

CD70 Gumpert

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33 short works for valve horn arranged by Frederich Gumpert

Music of Beethoven, Mozart, Schubert and others.

Chorals, folk songs, anthems, opera excerpts and more!

Released: February 25, 2023

CD69CD TourCD71

I Ching Music's divider @ Richard Burdick 2020

This is a four volume set. That took me about five months to recording from early April through August, 2022. I have improved my concept of tone on the French horn by doing this recording.

I Ching Music's divider @ Richard Burdick 2020

Program Notes:

Recorded at A = 432 for health and greater beauty

Performed by:
Richard Burdick's multi-track horn ensemble.

Author, arranger: Friedrich Adolph Gumpert (27 April 1841, Lichtenau (Thüringen) - 31 December 1906, Leipzig) also known as Gumpert, but Gumpert is correct.

A German horn player and teacher. Gumpert received his early musical education in Jena. From 1860 he was a horn player, first in Bad Nauheim, then (after completing his military service) in Halle. In October 1864, at the behest of Carl Reinecke, he became First Horn in the Gewandhausorchester Leipzig, a position he held until 1899. He was a founder member of the Gewandhaus-Bläserquintett, formed in 1896. Gumpert was Professor of Horn at the Leipzig Conservatory from 1882 until his death. As well as Heinrich Lorbeer, his pupils included Anton Horner, Max Hess and Max Pottag, all three highly influential in the development of horn playing in the USA. His publications (all of which appear, erroneously, under the name 'Gumpert') include twelve volumes of orchestral excerpt books (Orchesterstudien) arranged for horn and other wind instruments, a horn method, this set of four volumes for horn quartet , and many arrangements for horn and piano.

Track notes:

Track 1 & 2: The title take me to names of Bach Cantata's, so I atribute these to Bach

Track 14: "Schultz" is  Johann Abraham Peter Schultz (1747-1800)

Track 27. composer is: Justus Kerner

Track 28 - 31: The composer name listed as: J. G. Hauschild, since I can't find a referenceto him, I am making up his first name as Joseph.

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Gumpert Quartets vol. 2

1. Choral. Herr wie du willst, so schick's
Choral. Lord as thou wilt, so elegant
           perhaps by J. S. Bach
2. Choral. Seelenbräutigam
Choral. Soul Bridegroom
           perhaps by J. S. Bach

Choral. Wachet auf, ruft uns die Stimme
Choral. Wake up. the voice calls us
           Philipp Nicolai (1599)

4. Choral. Ein' feste Burg ist unser Gott
Choral. A strong castle is our God
by Martin Luther
5. Die Forelle The trout
           by Franz Schubert
6. Lützow's Wilde Jagd Lützow's Wild Hunt
by Carl Maria von Weber
7. Lied. Das Bild der Rose The Image of the Rose by Johann Friedrich Reichardt                                  (1752 – 1814)   
8. Lied. Die Wacht am Rhein The Guard on the Rhein by Lied. by Karl Wilheim                                  (1815-1873)  
9. Lied. Ihr Blick Your View by Carl Laukau  
10. Abendständechen Evening Booths (tr?)
by Alwin Heynke (1838-1885)
11. Waldlied Forrest Song by Carl Reinecke  
12. Zur Nacht To the Night by Carl Reinecke  
13. Die Ehre Gottes in der Natur The honour of nature by Ludwig van Beethoven  
14. Lied. Des Jahres letzte Stunde The last Hour of the Year by Johann Abraham Pete Schultz (1784) (1747-1800)  
15. Motette: Gott ist die Liebe God is Love
by David Hermann Engel (1816-1877)
16. Ständchen Serenade by Hermann Theobald Petschke (1806-1888)  
17. Die Nacht The Night
by Franz Schubert
18. Jägerchor Hunters' Chorus
a. d. Op: Der Freischütz
by Carl Maria von Weber
19. Ständchen Serenade aus Cosi Fan Tutte by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart  
20. Romanze Romance
by Karl Daniel Lorenz (1816 — 1866)
21. Recit et Adagio by Carl August
Hänsel (1799-1867)
22. Quartett
by Karl Daniel Lorenz (1816 — 1866)
23. Jägemarsch Hunters' March
by Karl Daniel Lorenz (1816 — 1866)
24. Lied. Wei sie so sanft ruh'n Let them rest gently
by Friedrich Burchard Benecken
25. Lied. Vor Jena
For Jena ( a town in Germany)
by Friedrich Wilhelm Stade (1817-1902)
26. Lied. Was ist des Deutschen Vaterl. What is Germany?
by Johann Friedrich Reichardt
27. Volkslied. Wohl auf noch getrunken Probably Still Drunk
by Justus Kerner
28. Walzer. Mein Herzlättchen. My warm heart by Joseph G. Haischild  
29. Veroni-Polonaise Veroni's Polonaise
by Joseph G. Haischild
30. Trompeter-Golopp Trumpeters' Galop
z. Aufbrunch by Joseph G. Haischild
31. Eugen-Marsch Eugenes March
by Joseph G. Haischild
32. Erwärmungs-Galopp Warming Gallop
by August Lindner (1820-1878)
33. Astloch-Polka
by August Lindner (1820-1878)
total time:

I Ching Music's divider @ Richard Burdick 2020

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I Ching Music's divider @ Richard Burdick 2020


I Ching Music's divider @ Richard Burdick 2020

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I Ching Music's divider @ Richard Burdick 2020

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I Ching Music's divider @ Richard Burdick 2020

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