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Gumpert Quartets vol. 3
Romantic Music for Horn Quartet

Alternative title: Ausgewählte Horn-Quartette

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34 short works for valve horn arranged by Frederich Gumpert

Music of Mendelssohn, Mozart, Schubert and others.

Chorals, folk songs, anthems, opera excerpts and more!

Released: February 18, 2023

CD70CD TourCD72

I Ching Music's divider @ Richard Burdick 2020

This is a four volume set. That took me about five months to recording from early April through August, 2022. I have improved my concept of tone on the French horn by doing this recording. I hope you enjoy it!

These quartets from the 1880's are really quite nice. There is one more CD that completes the set of four volumes of quartets put out by Gumpert (a.k.a. Gumbert)

I Ching Music's divider @ Richard Burdick 2020

Program Notes:

Recorded at A = 432 for health and greater beauty

Performed by:
Richard Burdick's multi-track horn ensemble.

Author, arranger: Friedrich Adolph Gumpert (27 April 1841, Lichtenau (Thüringen) - 31 December 1906, Leipzig) also known as Gumpert, but Gumpert is correct.

A German horn player and teacher. Gumpert received his early musical education in Jena. From 1860 he was a horn player, first in Bad Nauheim, then (after completing his military service) in Halle. In October 1864, at the behest of Carl Reinecke, he became First Horn in the Gewandhausorchester Leipzig, a position he held until 1899. He was a founder member of the Gewandhaus-Bläserquintett, formed in 1896. Gumpert was Professor of Horn at the Leipzig Conservatory from 1882 until his death. As well as Heinrich Lorbeer, his pupils included Anton Horner, Max Hess and Max Pottag, all three highly influential in the development of horn playing in the USA. His publications (all of which appear, erroneously, under the name 'Gumpert') include twelve volumes of orchestral excerpt books (Orchesterstudien) arranged for horn and other wind instruments, a horn method, this set of four volumes for horn quartet , and many arrangements for horn and piano.

This set of CD's has quite a few works by formernly famous composers:

Track 1: Johann Adam Hiller (1728-1804), German Hillercomposer and conductor, is regarded as the creator of the German Singspiel, a musical genre combining spoken dialogue and popular song.

Track 2: Christian Fürchtegott Gellert, son of Christian Gellert, pastor at Hainichen in the Saxon Harz, near Freiberg, was born at Hainichen, July 4, 1715. In 1734 he Gellertentered the University of Leipzig as a student of theology, and after completing his course acted for some time as assistant to his father. But then, as now, sermons preached from manuscript were not tolerated in the Lutheran Church, and as his memory was treacherous, he found himself compelled to try some other profession.

Track 7: Franz Wilhelm Abt (1819 – 1885) was a German composer and choral conductor. He composed roughly 3,000 individual works mostly in the area of vocal music. Several of his songs were at one time universally sung, and have obtained a more or less permanent place in the popular repertory. Abt was a renowned choral conductor, and he spent much of the last three decades of his life working as a guest conductor with choirs throughout Europe and in USA

Track 16: Johann Friedrich Diethe: Solo Oboe in the Leipzig Gewandhausorchester from 1836-1866

Track 19: Jagdstück by K. Appel I am making up that the "K." is for Karl since I can't find him anywhere.

Track 24: Campaniola by J. Lang could be Josephine Lang (1815-1880) or Johann Georg Lang (1722-1798)

Track 26: Étienne Nicolas Méhul (French:1765 - 1817)was a French composer of the classical period. He was known as "the most important opera composer in France during the revelution. He was also the first composer to be called a romantic. He is known particularly for his opera, written in keeping with the reforms introduced by Gluck and Mozart

Track 27: Friedrich Wilhelm Kücken
(16 November 1810Kuecken – 3 April 1882) was a German composer and conductor. He was a very prolific composer, mainly known for light and melodious songs, although he has also written works for the stage and for orchestra.

Track 32. Conradin Kreutzer or Kreuzer (22 November 1780 – 14 December 1849) was a German composer and conductor. His works include the operas Das Nachtlager in Granada and incidental music to Der Verschwender, both produced in 1834 in Vienna.

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Gumpert Quartets vol. 3

1. Choral. Alles ist an Gottes Segen
Everything is in God's blessing
by Johann Adam Hiller (1724-1804)
2. Choral. Nach einer Prüfung kurzer Tage After an examination of short days
by Christian Fürchtegott Gellert
3. Choral. Wer nur den lieben Gott Lässt walten Who only lets the dear God prevailby Johann Sebastian Bach  

Choral. Nun danket Alle Gott Now all thank God by Martin Rinkart
(written in 1636)

5. Choral. Christus, der ist mein Leben Christ, who is my life
by Johann Sebastian Bach
6. Choral.Lobet den Herren, den mächtigen Praise the Lord, the Mightyby Joachim Neander 1680  
7. Lied. Es ist bestimmt in Gottes Rath It is determined in God's counsel by Franz Wilhelm Abt (1819-1885)  
8. Ruhethal, Op. 59 No. 5 by Felix Mendelssohn  
9. Sonntagslied. Ringsum erschallt im Wald und Flur, Op. 35 No. 5
Sunday song. All around resounds in the forest and meadow
by Felix Mendelssohn
10. Abschiedstafel. So Rückt denn in die Runde, Op. 75 No. 4
by Felix Mendelssohn
11. Summerlied. Wie Feld und Au' so blinkend im Thau, Op. 50 No. 3
by Felix Mendelssohn
12. Wasserfahrt. Amfernen Horizonte, ersheint wei ein Nebelbild Op. 50 No. 4
by Felix Mendelssohn
13. Jagdlied. Auf, ihr Herrnund Damen schön, Op. 120 No. 1
hunter song. Up, gentlemen and beautiful ladies! by Felix Mendelssohn

Lied an die Deutschen in Lyon. Was uns eint als deutsche Brüder Op. 76 No. 3
Song to the Germans in Lyon. What unites us as German brothers.
by Felix Mendelssohn

15. Andante by Franz Schubert  
16. Ouverture & Allegro Moderato
by Johann Friedrich Diethe
17. Parademarsch Parade March
by August Lidner

Amicitia = Quadrill:
No. 1. Pantalon
No. 2 Ete
No. 3 Poule
No. 4 Trenis
No. 5 Pastourelle
No. 6 Finale

by August Lidner

19. Jagdstück by Karl Appel  
20. Ständchen. Warum bist du so ferne, o mein Lieb.
Serenade. Why are you so far away, O my dear.
by Adolf Eduard Marschner
21. Abendlied Evening song
by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
22. Fanfare by Hans Schmidt  
23. Le Lac Geneve. Barcarole
by Albert Segisser
24. Campaniola by Josepine Lang  
25. Variationen
by Karl Daniel Lorenz (1816 — 1866)
26. Overture: Jacob und seine Söhne
by Étienne-Nicolas Méhul, (1763 -1817)
27. Sängergruss.
by Friedrich Wilhelm Kücken
28. Volkslied by Anonymous  
29. Adagio by Karl Daniel Lorenz   
30. Zur Trauung To the wedding ceremony by Étienne-Nicolas Méhul  

Im May. Volkslied: Drauss' is Alles so Prächtig. In May. Folksong: Outside, everything is so splendid.
by Friedrich Silcher

32. Der Schmied The Blacksmith
by Conradin Kreutzer (1780-1849)
33. Abendfeier. Ich geh' noch Abend spät vorbei Evening party. I'll go by late in the evening by Conradin Kreutzer  
34. Abendgebet a. d. operas Das Nachtlager in Granada Evening prayer from the operas The night camp in Granada by Conradin Kreutzer  
total time:

I Ching Music's divider @ Richard Burdick 2020

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I Ching Music's divider @ Richard Burdick 2020


I Ching Music's divider @ Richard Burdick 2020

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I Ching Music's divider @ Richard Burdick 2020

Music Samples:

Sheet msuic cover for Richard Burdick, Horn duets, Op. 292

Sheet msuic cover for Richard Burdick, Horn duets, Op. 292

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I Ching Music's divider @ Richard Burdick 2020


I Ching divider © 2020 Richard O. Burdick

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I Ching Music.

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