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The Cd's of Richard O. BurdickFollow on Twitter
I Ching Music logoCD2

Released 2001

CD 2 cover artCD2- I Ching Arpeggios,
Op. 99
  (2 CD set
158 minutes!)

Richard Burdick,
horn and wind chimes

Find part one on Bandcamp

Find part two on Bandcamp


Program Notes:

New age / space music

For solo French horn With  a background of tuned wind chimes.

Four a  number of years all my charts, scales studies and interval studies into the patterns created by the scales suggested by the I Ching were catalogued into opus 99. It will take a very special request for me to release the sheet music for my 64 Arpeggios.

 These 64 arpeggios are all the same pattern – presenting the overtone series of the scale tones and cycling through the pattern back to the fundamental up one octave from the initial tone.

Each of my I Ching scales has a home or fixed key, and these arpeggios are each played in a tempo relative to the vibration rate of its key. These are then presented on the CD so they gradually slow down over the 158 minutes.

The wind chimes chosen only from the tones from within the scale, are improvised over the horn recording. The opening of the Oregon Caves is pictured on the album cover.

I am very please to find a FIVE STAR WONDERFUL! Review on

cd2 review

I was asked " I have two questions: In what year did you compose the Arpeggios, and how did you play the wind chimes?
2001, I played the wind chimes after the horn track was recorded. I made a four octave set of wind chimes from special aluminum tubes. For each track I used only the chimes in the key of the scale in a harmonic series pattern, then basically improvising these "bells"
Thanks for asking, Richard "I really enjoyed the "I Ching Arpeggios"  song. I did not hear the opening and was a little confused at what it was and why it was so long until I heard the explanation. I really liked it though and found it relaxing as I was driving." Wed, February 16, 2011 9:33 am VW writes:
"I'm listening to the gently rising and falling horn lines, as the sun peeks over the horizon (clear blue sky), and I enjoy my morning cup of coffee. Very soothing." It is always nice to find positive comments floating around the web:
yijingman Richard Burdick is a great hornist & composer. I have copies of his I- Ching arpeggios. Wonderful Colors @waynemcevilly.

I Ching Music's divider @ Richard Burdick 2020

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I Ching Music's divider @ Richard Burdick 2020

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I Ching Music.

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