A Sheet music and CD Release
I Started accuracy studies for the beginning student, and quickly jumped to the studies my own students needed: moderately difficult intervals in a training session that should help the student jump ahead past the problems of hearing the tones (pitches) and intervals.
These studies are design so the student can do a little each day, track-by-track, page-by-page or a whole hour regiment. It might be nice to have a CD player with a repeat function to begin with.
The pages are written so the student reads to bottom line, while they listen to me on the CD playing so they can repeat what I did. These studies cover a wide variety of articulations. And have the starting points of middle C E, Lower G and upper Bb. I did not present a fifth section for low horn. Low horn is quite important and I hope to address it in further publications.
I plotted out the all the possibilities of three different tones within one octave, and presented them in a simple pattern, then at the end mixed the up as tests. The advance student should find profit in the whole set. I was very carful to be tuned at A=440 and tried to keep my articulation precise.
Page seven
I sold quite a few of these when I had a sales table at the International Horn Society Symposium
One teacher wrote back and ordered copies for all his students and wrote a very nice testamonial:
I just wanted to let you know that the books arrived in the mail yesterday. I'm really excited to start more of my students on them. I've had a lot of success with the one student I've used it with so far. After just a short time with the book, her accuracy is better. Not only that but she sounds a lot better too. Playing along with the CD gives her a concept of tone. After playing along with the CD, she is able to relax while she plays and she sounds better as a result. Most importantly- the tone benefits seem subliminal- she plays along with the CD, getting the "taste of each note" while subconsciously mimicking the tone she hears. Your book seems to kill the tone bird with the same stone as the accuracy bird. I don't know what kind of thing you would like me to write as a testimonial for your site. Do you have any specific length in mind? Please let me know and I'll be happy to write it!
Richard Burdick as a musician:
French hornist: Richard O. Burdick is the first horn of Regina Symphony Orchestra and the Regina Symphony Chamber Players in Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada. He is a prolific composer.His move to Canada in 2003, with his wife Rebecca and his two boys, marked the start of the fourth major period in his musical Career.
In the 1980’s Richard was first Horn of Napa Symphony, a member of a San Francisco based theater orchestra and played lots of chamber music as manager of Trinity Chamber Concerts, a chamber music series in Berkeley California.
Starting in 1990 he played fourth Horn full-time for Sacramento Symphony, which went bankrupt in 1996. He then won auditions for Fresno Philharmonic, Napa & North State Symphonies and played in Sacramento Philharmonic & Opera.
He is a prolific composer and has many self produced CD’s of his own compositions, Bach, his classical natural horn playing and multi-track performances of many of his favorite pieces.
He performs on a variety of horns, a baroque natural horn (1720), a classical era natural horn (1800), a romantic era (1840's) natural horn, a single F horn from the 1880's, his main symphony horn is a Brendan Model Finke triple horn.
He has also done many music related jobs such as arranger for Sacramento Symphony, librarian and personal manager for Sacramento Philharmonic, and manager of Trinity Chamber Concerts (chamber music series) in Berkeley, California for 19 years starting in 1984.
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