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The Cd's of Richard O. Burdick

I Ching Music logoCD88

Beautifully Relentless,
Op. 322

Now Available from BandCamp
Patients is required - IT STARTS SLOWLY and gradually goes faster throughout.
CD94CD TourCD1
CD96 cover

Released: December 30, 2024

Performed by: Richard Burdick . . .

Find this recording on BandCamp

The recording currently available is not a microtonal version of this work. Many of the I Ching Cycles rise through the imperceptibly. Rising about 20 cents per step. This recording is done in equal temperament so there are sole jumps as the work progress upwards through the 12 normal steps in a octave, not the 64 step in an octave suggested by the I Ching.

I Ching Music's divider @ Richard Burdick 2020

Program Notes:

Beautifully Relentless, Op. 322

I Ching Music of Richard O. Burdick

A Yin/Yang Melody Cycle

Yin-Yang Beauty No. 1

A study in Horn Fifths through the 64 steps of the I Ching.

IT STARTS SLOWLY and gradually goes faster throughout.

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I Ching Music's divider @ Richard Burdick 2020


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I Ching Music's divider @ Richard Burdick 2020

Tracks List:

1: Beautifully Relentless, Op. 322 Parts 1 - 16QMFMF2468512 12:32
2: Beautifully Relentless, Op. 322 Parts 17 - 32
QMFMF2468507 8:51
3: Beautifully Relentless, Op. 322 Parts 33 - 48
QMFMF2468508 7:59
4: Beautifully Relentless, Op. 322 Parts 49 - 65
QMFMF2468509 8:51

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I Ching Music's divider @ Richard Burdick 2020

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I Ching Music's divider @ Richard Burdick 2020

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I Ching Music's divider @ Richard Burdick 2020

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Has been registered with ASCAP.
The work ID is: 928218448


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I Ching Music's divider @ Richard Burdick 2020
I Ching divider © 2020 Richard O. Burdick

© 2025 Richard O. Burdick
I Ching Music.

All rights reserved.