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Vortex Breathing and
          I Ching Chants

       Vortex Breathing Op. 179
                                      I Ching Chants, Op. 244  

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CD60CD TourCD1

An I Ching cycles with
Ancestral depth


Released: November 1, 2021

Program Notes:

From the Composer:
RB: "When I complete a recording, I burn a disk and listen to it in the car for weeks. This one kept my interest for a long time."

"The Vortex Breathing is a work designed as a meditation. It is unusual for me because it cycles the I Ching in a downward spin. Going slower and slower. It is designed to help focus on the breath with three long breaths in then five shorter breaths out. Slower and slower longer and longer." It's an exercise to clear your mind and open up to only the most positive, loving and happy thought. The idea is clear ones mind of negativity and allow the positive to fill life."

This composition is an I Ching cycle work for rapper, low voice, trombone, tape, tenor drum, and bass drum.

Performed by rapper Alter Ego Marie Ork with the composer on trombone, singing and computer generated sounds.

The really important part for the I Ching Chants is that it presents a concise view of Richard Burdick's new interpretation of the symbolism and meanings of the I Ching in six syllable phrases. This is An original musical composition that honors the composers roots in North America and incorporates his views on the meaning of the I Ching in a unique way.

Abraham Hicks Publishing was contacted to confirm an allowance to use their Idea of "Vortex Breathing."



About the Recording:

Vortex Breathing
For two solo instruments with video
or quartet of Vibraphone, Marimba, Piano and Celeste

It took around eight years to complete this work from the Summer of 2011 through to January 2019

A breathing meditation with the rhythms as suggested by Abraham channeled through Ester Hicks.

Cover Photo : Coastline in Oregon by R Burdick

About the Performer:

Richard Burdick as a musician:
French hornist: Richard O. Burdick is the first horn of Regina Symphony Orchestra and the Regina Symphony Chamber Players in Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada. He is a prolific composer.

His move to Canada in 2003, with his wife Rebecca and his two boys, marked the start of the fourth major period in his musical Career.

In the 1980’s Richard was first Horn of Napa Symphony, a member of a San Francisco based theater orchestra and played lots of chamber music as manager of Trinity Chamber Concerts, a chamber music series in Berkeley California.

Starting in 1990 he played fourth Horn full-time for Sacramento Symphony, which went bankrupt in 1996. He then won auditions for Fresno Philharmonic, Napa & North State Symphonies and played in Sacramento Philharmonic & Opera.

He is a prolific composer and has many self produced CD’s of his own compositions, Bach, his classical natural horn playing and multi-track performances of many of his favorite pieces.

He performs on a variety of horns, a baroque natural horn (1720), a classical era natural horn (1800), a romantic era (1840's) natural horn, a single F horn from the 1880's, his main symphony horn is a Brendan Model Finke triple horn.

He has also done many music related jobs such as arranger for Sacramento Symphony, librarian and personal manager for Sacramento Philharmonic, and manager of Trinity Chamber Concerts (chamber music series) in Berkeley, California for 19 years starting in 1984.

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I Ching Music's divider @ Richard Burdick 2020

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I Ching Music's divider @ Richard Burdick 2020


I Ching Music's divider @ Richard Burdick 2020

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I Ching Music's divider @ Richard Burdick 2020

Tracks List:

# I Ching Chants length
Vortex Breathing Op. 179
I Ching Chants Op. 244  
Total time


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I Ching Music's divider @ Richard Burdick 2020

Bar codes:

CD61 Bar Code

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I Ching divider © 2020 Richard O. Burdick

© 2025 Richard O. Burdick
I Ching Music.

All rights reserved.