The musical compositions of Richard Burdick
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Opus 179
Vortex Breathing
For two solo instruments with video
or (2+) quartet of Vibraphone, Marimba, Piano & Celeste
Summer 2011- January 2019
A breathing meditation with the rhythms as suggested by Abraham channeled through Ester Hicks.
Available to hear on CD61

-CD61 I Ching Chants, Op. 244
& Vortex Breathing, Op. 179
Available from BandCamp
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This music can be presented with any two similar solo instruments.
This music is another of Mr. Burdick's "I Ching Cycles" Most of them cycle in the Shau Yung I Ching circle from No. 1 (++++++) clockwise around through the bottom (No. 33 ------) where there is a massive tempo shift and then it cycles back through No. 64 to No. 1. The "normal" cycle gradually speeds up throughout (except at the big polarity sift of No. 33)
This work starts in the circle at the bottom (No. 33 ------) and cycles counterclockwise, so that the work gradually slows down over the 10+ minutes.
A breathing meditation with the rhythms as suggested by Abraham as channeled through Ester Hicks
The meditation in all of its 65 large breaths takes us through 64 different tones within an octave gradually slower and bigger
Abraham-Hicks said: "Getting in to the vortex . . . .it seems to do the work . . . it’s secret is it plays music that is unusual in cantor, and asks that you find a breathing pattern that matches it. But because its unusual in its cantor, it’s one, two, three strong breaths in and then five breaths out."
"Not what you think you do. Often what you do when you sleep but not what you think you do you think you go Ha-ah-ha-ah-ha-ah."
"Three long breaths in five shorter breaths out . . ."
"And it requires so much of your attention at first, that you can’t think about those worries and thoughts that you have been thinking. So just focusing on the music that has just played puts you in a place of less resistance, and then in the background, were speaking to you everything that the source within you knows. This is a tool."
This work has a few hidden messages of "555."
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Hello, I am writing to make sure that I am not violating any copyrights or to get permission. I am a composers and professional French hornist. I have finally completed my version of "Vortex Breathing" I just uploaded it to BandCamp this morning. If I am "stepping on any toes" in any way please let me know, and I will fix immediately. Thank you for the inspiration!
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