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Richard O. Burdick's
(I Ching Music)

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New releases:

CD83: Artot Quartets
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CD82: Artot Trios
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CD81: 64 String Quartets
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CD80: 64 Horn Quartets
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CD77 Yin-Yang Beauty 2, Op 324
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CD78: Beethoven arrangement
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Sept. 3, 2023
CD77 released Sept. 3, 2023

  Yin-Yang Beauty
     An I Ching Cycle by Richard O. Burdick

find it on BandCamp

April 15, 2023: Hello!
My CD75: Richard O. Burdick's Chamber Music vol. 1 Is now on BandCamp!

Septet in G, for Oboe, English Horn, Clarinet, Two Horns, and Two Bassoons, Op. 315

Septet in D for Two Natural Horns, String Quartet and Piano, Op. 319

Nobo Patorale for Horn, Bass Clarinet and String Quartet, Op. 327a

Encountering (Decet) Chamber Concerto for Violin with Wind Quintet, Trumpet, Double Bass and 2 Percussions, Op. 316

Chamber Symphony No. 12 for 21 Players, Op. 255

Impressions Chamber Concerto for Viola with Wind Quintet and Percussion, Op. 309

The Open Mindset for Horn Quartet and Tape, Op. 251a

Nobo Patorale Sextet in D for Flute, Clarinet, Horn, Bass Clarinet and Two Bassoons, Op. 327

Impressions Chamber Concerto for Amplified Viola with Brass quintet and percussion, Op. 309a: I

The Open Mindset for Saxophone Quartet and Tape, Op. 251

Fall 2022

today November 24, 2022, My CD65 is done! It's recorded at A=432 hertz.


Summer 2022

Scenes of Butte County (2019) videos are up on youtube or on this site.
(I have new Butte County VIdeo from June 2022)

Winter 2022

CD68 is realesed on February 27, 2022

see CD list or the home page for the newest things1

Summer 2021

CD56ICM logo-CD56 Particles

              Burdick, Opuses 159 The sequal to CD28 Waves

 Available from BandCamp

I Ching divider © 2020 Richard O. Burdick

Spring 2021

CD54ICM logo-CD55 Burdick's Duets

              Burdick, Opuses 288, 289, 290, 291, 294, 295
               and older works too

 Available from BandCamp


CD57ICM logo-CD57 Waves, Relentless and other piano works

              Burdick, Opuses 298, 297, 142, 182 & 34

 Available from BandCampI Ching divider © 2020 Richard O. Burdick

CD54ICM logo-CD54 The 270's -
           music for clarinets, horns and violoncelli

              Burdick, Opuss 270-279
               Music for clarinets, horns and 'celli

 Available from BandCampI Ching divider © 2020 Richard O. Burdick

Winter 2021

CD53ICM logo-CD53 Burdick & Harbison Horn Quartets

              Harbison: French horn suite
               Burdick: Horn Quartet's No. 6, 7, 8 & more

NOW Available from BandCamp
NOW Available from distrokid

I Ching divider © 2020 Richard O. Burdick

CD33 More than 64 QuartetsICM logo-CD33 More than 64 Quartets
for horns based on the I Ching

NOW Available from BandCampI Ching divider © 2020 Richard O. Burdick

CD34 Natural Horn Music FOUNDICM logo-CD34 Natural Horn Music FOUND
Natural horn music by nineteenth century composers Du Puy, Comte de Champigny, Alexandre Javault, Johann Peter Heuschekel. Released February 2013.

NOW Available from BandCampI Ching divider © 2020 Richard O. Burdick

CD 35 Twenty-two TriosICM logo-CD35 Twenty-Two Trios for Horns, Op. 156

Nothing else like it for horn ensemble! These trios are full of memorable tunes interwoven in fascinating ways, with wonderful twists and turns.
                          NOW Available from BandCampI Ching divider © 2020 Richard O. Burdick

CD36 DVD1 I Ching Base TonesICM logo-CD36 Classical Natural Horn Music
                                Music By Duvernoy & Schneider  
NOW Available from Bandcamp

I Ching divider © 2020 Richard O. Burdick

CD37 Microtonal music of Richard Burdick-CD37 Microtonal music of Richard Burdick
    Earth & Moon, Op. 202
    Polar Flux, Op. 204       NOW Available from BandCamp

I Ching divider © 2020 Richard O. Burdick

CD38 Matthew LockeFebruary 2:

I Ching divider © 2020 Richard O. Burdick

January 25:
A Review from from 2010 was found:
A new song for the old I Ching – the music of Richard Burdick

CD52 Released today: CD52 - Found These Too 

January 20, 2021
CD51 Released today: CD51 I Ching Cycles 

January 9, 2021:
CD50 - The Art of Richard O. Burdick                
More of Burdick's Brass

CD50 on DistroKid! check out the cool page!

Horn Quartet No. 7, Op. 299 completed in Dec. 2020

Two piano solos completed Dec. 23:
Almost Relentless, Op. 297 & Waves & Relentless, Op. 298

Opus 265   Horn Quartet No. 6 completed in Dec. 2020

Fall 2020

Opus 295 Duet for horn and ‘cello completed Nov. 2020

Opus 294 Duet for horn and piccolo completed Nov. 2020

Duet for clarinet and horn No. 2 Opus 291 completed Nov. 13

Duet for double bass and violoncello Opus 290 Oct. 14-20

Opus 289 Duet for horn and viola - completed Oct. 2020

Duet for horn and trombone. Opus 288 - completed Oct. 2020

Summer 2020

July 28, 2020: CD49 Brass Music of Richard O. Burdick is released. Press release

Hovhaness Press release

Prolferant Press release

Jul 9, 2020: I am very excited about the Music in the Mountains concert on line tonight!
My work: The Wind in the Woods & Fanfare for Symphony Brass and Percussion, Op. 192 Premieres; It's Absolutely HEAR-resistible

O Canada


I Ching divider © 2020 Richard O. Burdick

CD45 is now available from BandCamp

I Ching divider © 2020 Richard O. Burdick

Nice review Burdick gab

Spring 2020

Book 1 Attunement An interview with Alan Hovhaness
publish April 20, 2020


CD48 released Giovanni Giacomo Gastoldi motets and duets arr. for horn choir  Released (Easter) April 12, 2020

CD47 released I Ching Rhythms, Op. 209 for four horns
                                                                                  Released (Spring) April 2, 2020

CD46 released A Rainbow of I Ching Triads, Op. 186  March 22 2020

Winter 2020

(March 3rd 2020)
My Tuba Sonata, Op. 28 (1985) is now published:
You can hear the audio on MusicaNeo:

(March 2nd 2020)
My wind quintet:
Ramaprya, Op. 106 (1997) is now published:
You can hear the audio on musicaNeo


Best review ever:
"Burdick . . .produced a river of beautiful sounds that seemed to come from everywhere. His forte low register was assertive, clean and flexible; his middle and upper ranges floated on a seemingly inexhaustible stream of air. His rich tone was as smooth as silk.

FALL 2019

CD45My newest CD is now online for digital download:
CD45 North American Horn Music
Music of Ewazen, Chavez, Plog, and Richard O. Burdick
Listen to it on BandCamp

Saturday Novemeber 2; I have delivered a recording of my I Ching Chants, opus 244 to Rap artist Dan Innes who will create some rap to go over the top of parts of my work. This is the same day President Trump tweeted about UFC244. Opus 244 and UFC 244 = same day!

I have slightly altered my video of Star Stangled Banner:


demo for a job application Schumann's Adagio & Alegro

On September 9th, I always remember Sept. 9, 1990 the day I won my first full-time job as a horn player - 4th horn Sacramento Symphony. Now 29 years latter still getting better and better.

Change Inspires CreativityThank you Gillette, Wyoming for this wonderful sign! I Ching really means "Change".


May 4, 2019: Richard Burdick played (his job:) principle horn with the Regina Symphony Orchestra when backup the Canadian Brass Qunitet. Pictured here: Jeff Nelson, Richard Burdick, and Chuck Daellenbach; nice picture Jeff, thanks!
Richard Burdick with the Canadian Brass

I had been really busy in the Winter writting music. Now it's an early Spring in Regina, and I am in the process of publishing all my new music and videos of


March 23, 2019:My newest demo is now on youtube:
Palisade Fall’s for English horn, horn, harp and cello with videotape. Op. 248a


March 20, 2019: I have added a new recorded on bandcamp:
The horn quartet by Pottag on Themes of Wagner
It is available to listen to free on bandcamp

FALL 2018

A big THANK YOU to composer Andrew Imbrie (Pulitzer prize finalist in 1995) for teaching me to use Black-line printing for my compositions in the 1970's. I am proud to have had his influence.Burdick's music printed with the Black-line process

I was very happy to see when I searched for "Handel trio clarinet horn" my demo video for my composition "Flowing Lines of Silence" came up right at the top.Burdick Flowing Lines of Silence


The demo of Movement two of Richard Burdick's Yellowstone Suite No. 1 : II Vixen Geyser, Opus 235 No. 2 is now available on you tube for your listening a watching pleasure; enjoy, it’s my favorite geyser!

Richard has been conferred as King of the French Horn. It was a blast playing 12 shows of Mary Poppins for Rubarb Theater in Moose Jaw.

RIchard Burdick King of the French Horn

Richard's Self Improvement tip

Composer Richard Burdick talks about his inside scoops on Elvis and the Beatles *
Richard Burdick comments on the new dog helpers

Composer Richard Burdick talks about his inside scoops on Elvis and the Beatles

I have been proud to be the leader of the “Music in the Mountains” summer festival horn section, my 26th year with the festival. Plaudits to Cara Jones (2nd), Frank Hammarin (3rd), Phil Richardson (4th). What great fun; 7 concerts in 12 days.Music in the Mountians horn sectoin 2018*
An Interesting article on immigration to the U. S. A. in 1901 click here
A successful run of performances for Music in the Mountains in Grass Valley, California. Seven concerts in twelve days! June 22 - July 3, 2018 my 26th year with the festival.
The Mindset, Op. 242 nonet is complete almost the same time the U.S.A. celebrates its 242 year.


Declaration of Religion and Patriotism

Hard work on things that have not been released yet: Op. 242 The Mind Set and Op. 236 The Obvious.

WINTER 2017-8

Hard work on things that have not been released yet, must notably microtonal works: Opus 206 HLP Flows, Op. 207 Eternal Melody And Op. 232 I Ching Harmonic Signatures

FALL 2017

CD42 I sound My Horn releases December 12, 2017


I recorded a video with my Wagner Tuba (May 10, 2017): Wagner Tuba Solo

Opus 231 The Woodpecker was completed April 16, 2016

Mr. Burdick performed Stratus's Horn Concerto No. 2 with the Regina Symphony Orchestra on April 8, 2017

WINTER 2016-7

Sunrise March 13, 2017

Sunrise March 17, 2017 in Regina with a temperature of -18C or +2F
(click on the photo to see bigger size, then use your back arrow)

The Quartetto for clarinet, eb horn (natural horn), viola and cello by Carl Stamitz is now published

Fall 2016

CD41 "American Horn Music vol. 2" released Oct. 27 2016

CD40 "Retrospective II Horn Quartets No's 1 - 5 released Sept. 9, 2016

Summer 2016

Received a really nice note about my performance in the show "Cinderella" this August. "Thank you Richard your majestic playing has coloured this production with grandeur!"

Nice note

CD39 "Bach by Popular Demand" is being release August 3rd, 2016 - A Sequel to CD15 Bach Easter Oratorio and my Favorites album - CD17.

Winter 2015-6

I am please to announce that the Demo of my work “Wizard of OZ (1910) for chamber orchestra with film” is now online. The premiere will be in April.

I seem to get one composition (new or old) completed with published score and demo video a week. This week (Feb 6, 2016): Chamber Symphony No. 11, Op. 220

My Microtonal work: I Ching Base Tones, Op. 176a is up on youtube. There is an interview style introduction and the long video.

Thanks to the Regina Symphony Chamber Players for the Premiere of my Octet Variations, Op. 234 January 16 & 17, 2016.

Fall 2015

CD38 released Dec. 5th, 2015: Matthew Locke's Broken and Flatte Consorts performed on three horns with Finke Triple horn

The demo of my "Little Symphony", Op. 223 for for orchestra.
8:15 great "Canadian Content"!

CD37 Microtonal music of Richard Burdick

Opus 16, Polaris Overture revision and demo are done.

Sept. 26 & 27 two performances of the Telemann Horn concerto on the Regina Symphonies Government House series.(on my classical-natural-horn) see list: of solos and concerti.

Summer 2015

CD36 Classical Natural Horn Music By Duvernoy & Schneider
is released September 20, 2015 and can be hear on BandCamp

June 2015 - all ten of my Chamber Symphonies are published and available to be heard in demo's on youtube.

Winter 2014-5

I have added five new demo's of my compositions to my youtube channel so far this year: Winter playlist.

Fall 2014

We built our own garage with a kit from Nu-Fab

Summer 2014

I spent 50 hous scraping and revarinishing the church doors at Westminster Unnited Church.

Winter 2013-14

February, 2014 I have a growing list of sample videos of my compositions on youtube. See the play-list in the center of this page.

My newest composition: Icy Lots, Op. 208 for Clarinet, Horn, Piano, Marimba and Vibraphone Demo is available to enjoy!Waterfall House

Mid-December 2013, completed my "Star" window hanging sculpture, I may add more refracting spheres . . . so I get more rainbows in the morning light.

Fall 2013

Nov. 30, 2013 I have been working on demo versions of my duets.
I have a few now in demo-video on youtube:
Duet No. 1 for clarinet and horn, Op. 35
Duo "The Holy Fountain" for horn and double bass, Op. 54
Suite in D for violin and horn, Op. 72

Thank you to Adeline Tomasone who coached the trio for the premiere of my "September Summer 2013, Op. 155b" @ Boyer College of Music and Dance. Part of Temple University. The premiere took place Nov 7, 2013 with Elisa Muzzillo, flute; Tian Ming Yang, clarinet and Kelly Larkins, horn

Waterfall House

Mid-November 2013, completed my "Waterfall House" window hanging sculpture




October 22, Proud of my boys! (Be Open Mindid!)open mindid

October 21, I have recorded the piece "Autumn '13" by Ian MacDonald for four natural horns, Check out the recording and a free download.

October 19 & 20 Mozart Horn quintet on natural horn went Program Mozart Horn Quintetvery well this week-end, It was a great pleasure to be working with Van Armenian, our guest concertmaster from Montreal

Oct. 6, 2013 celebrating exactly ten years in Canada! I won the first Horn job for Regina Symphony Orchestra in August 2003

Oct. 2, completed the sample recording of QuadRhumba I & II, Op. 76

Sept. 26, the final copy of "The Peacock" Op. 82 for Flute, Vibraphone, horn and bass is done and posted to youtube.

My Horn Rondo, Op. 199b Premiered Monday September 23, 2013 as part of the Regina Symphony Orchestra Chamber Players School concert. There should be over 30 performance of this little piece this year.

Richard's Spiral PrismSummer 2013

Sept. 13, completed the revision and recorded a version of Opus155b

Sept. 11, Recorded Coscia Duet No. 3 and was interviewed for a concert review in the Moose Jaw Newspaper.

Sept. 8th 2013, Completed my Spiral Prism window hanger. Copper tubes and wire with glass rods and three glass prisms.

Sept. 6th 2013, Recorded Bernard Heiden Cannons for two horns No. 2 & Coscia Duet No. 1 RSOCP performed in Moose Jaw

Sept. 5th 2013, Recorded Bernard Heiden Cannons for two horns No. 3 rehearse my Horn Rondo with the RSOCP and completed my 'cleanex box" boxRichard's Copper-blue box

Sept. 4th 2013, Recorded Bernard Heiden Cannons for two horns No. 4 & 5

Sept. 3rd 2013, Recorded Bernard Heiden Cannon for two horns No. 1

August 31, we are almost done with new fence in the backyardfencerd. I wrote the solo for RSOCP school concerts last week. I am working on the Hovhaness interview.



Monday, August 19, 2013
CD35 Twenty-two Trios for Horns, Op. 156 became available from CD Baby

My first prism window hanger is also done!

Prism Window hanger







August 10, 2013, Worked on website, mushroom box and Gong Hanger for the front yard. The Gong is a 55 pound gas pipe cover.The Gong








August 9, 2013, Stained test fence section, put copper on mushroom boxthe front of my mushroom box. Bought the Cat ash tray from Thailand and two nice pillows.Indonisian cat




August 8, 2013, Recorded Op. 205 pt. 33


June 2013 my favorite thrift store find from rock from Carlsbad CavernsAuburn California a polished rock labeled "Carlsbad Caverns N.M



May 2013: On my family vacation to Washington D. C. I saw two pieces Cabinetof art that I loved. They were opposites in a way. A paintingRoskas "painting" that had a round raised section and a cabinet that looked like a pile of boxes, but which was actually flat; made of wood inlay!



Thank you to Doug Thorley ad Tony Clements for performing the premiere of Church Suite II, Op. 193
Friday June, 28 2013 @ The Holbrooke Hotel in Grass Valley California!

Thank you to the Music in The Mountains Festival horn section (Pete Nowlen, Cara Jones, ROB & Phil Richardson) for FOUR performances of the finale of Quartet, Op 39 (June 26 & 27 2013)

Thank you to the RSO horn section for their December 9, 2012 concert @ the Downtown public library in Regina for performing my Quartet, opus 39

Thank you to the Electrum Brass Trio for playing several performances of my Electrum Fanfare IV, opus 165

I am very please to announce that I am one of the featured composers this month at:

First Horn Showcase Dec. 9, 4 p.m. 2010
Richard Burdick, the Regina Symphony Orchestra's principal horn, will perform Haydn’s Horn Concerto #1 with the RSO Chamber Players.

Another new friend on facebook wrote "I know of you by your very impressive recordings of Dauprat."

Another big thank you to my friends Shaun and Marc for playing with me on the premiere of my Free Trio #2, opus 167 The recording has been posted HERE

A big thank you (and a free composition) to American Horn Competition winner Andrew Pelletier:
Andrew Pelletier wrote "Your "I Ching" etudes have made it into my daily routine and get used in recital"

"I think you're one of the very few players thinking and composing/performing in a new, original way.
From your etudes to your hand horn recordings, I can't think of another performer who is trying so many new things."

Sound file of Planet's sonata from May 27th 2011 concert
can be hear here: SOLO CONCERT #126

Larry (on facebook) wrote: "I have some of Richard's CD's.
He expands concepts of what music and horn can do." 

A free copy of the sheet music for Opus 49 "Sculpture V" for solo horn has been added to the web site. (Also see the free stuff link above).

THANK YOU to the Regina Symphony Orchestra Chamber Players for premiering my Chamber Symphony #9, Opus 140 Saturday March 19 2011!

The full recording of CD28 I Ching Waves (complete waves) was heard on the radio "Komodo Dragon Show" Wednesday, April 6th.(2011) The program airs from 8-11am CT on CJUM 101.5 in Winnipeg, and www.umfm.comonline

The full recording of CD2 I Ching Arpeggios (all 158 minutes) was broadcast on the radio "Komodo Dragon Show" Wednesday, February 16th.(2011) The program airs from 7-11am CT on CJUM 101.5 in Winnipeg, and www.umfm.comonline

Opus102 "Planetary Ripples" for 16 similar instruments. Has been added to the free list on the header because of the full recording - FREE

A free little "etude" has been added to the web site: opus39a

A new blog post has been uploaded:

Electrum Fanfare opus 165#3 sound file posted

Free Trio #1 Premiered May 9th 2010
The sound files now con be heard here:
opus 160

The opus 162 Cantaria for Horn quartet page has
been worked on and a free recording
has been added.

The full list of Cd's page is being revised. I will have
a few new CD releases soon and I am re-releasing
a few older Cd's with some improvements.

Classical Gas by Mason Williams is being recorded July 10-12, 2007

We found an old review: (1982 with the Circle Wind Octet)
Burdick “burbled” a high note at the beginning but settled down to produce a river of beautiful sounds that seemed to come form everywhere. His forte low register was assertive, clean and flexible; high middle and upper ranges floated on a seemingly inexhaustible stream of air. His Richard tone was smooth as silk.

Cd18 & Cd19 are almost ready to release (August 15th 2007)
see for more information.

Opus 51:
June 15th, 2007
The recording of all four movements of the Horn quartet, opus 51 is done. I don't want to give this one away.
samples of the pieces are HERE

Opus 50:
May, 19th 2007
I recorded the original version of my opus 50 Duet for two hand horns (horn in E and G#)
I set out to revise it.

May 20th 2007
Revised the duet, the three page score is now 5 pages.

May 22nd
I had time to record half of the new version of the duet.

June 15th
I have been bust with other things, Duet will be posted today. Here
The score will be available by the end of the Summer.

Opus 144:
June 20, 2007
While I continue to make progress with this monstrous work, I keep adding movements to the first set based on the "creative" I Ching hexagram. This first instrumental cantata should be done before I leave the Music-in-the-Mountians festival.

Being that this work is a set of new scale tunings, My current goal is to complete the Meditation and choral of each of the 64 scales. This way we will all have a sense of the tonal mood. - work in progress

Early May 2007
I have defined the archetypal melody for each to the eight I Ching trigrams and platted the 64 archetypal melodies.

May 22nd 2007
the new I Ching scale system is near complete. Each scale has a different tonal center based on the over tones 64-128, but the system as a whole is in the key of F, with A at 432 or 27 hertz, the center tone of F is 21.6 hertz. I took me an hour,got lost in scale tone possibilities, but found the simple and correct answer, for my system, the A fits in as the simple 5, so a 5:4 ratio 27/21.6 is obvious.

May 23rd 2007
I will be working on the chart of color to tone, now that I have the exact hertz for each tone

Spring 2007

Opus 75
Seven Haiku for Horn Quartet
this work is recorded and can be heard here


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I Ching divider © 2020 Richard O. Burdick

© 2025 Richard O. Burdick
I Ching Music.

All rights reserved.