The musical compositions of Richard Burdick
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Opus 223
Little Symphony for Big Orchestra
Symphony No.4
Find the score ($1.00) and Parts ($99) on Musicaneo
Enjoy the demo here:
October 2015
I had been finalizing my Brass Trio, op. 154 when I began this Little Symphony. For the brass trio, and then again for the LS, I used fragments from a 14th century anonymous work in the first movement, this plus a fragment from my Chamber Symphony No. 10 are twisted around (not really developed) to form the first movement.
The second movement is an orchestration of one of the Brass Trio movements, which is something I am very interested in pursuing. I have so much music written for small ensemble, and am interested in the art of orchestration, so this is my start of this process.
In attempt to keep this work moderately easy to learn in a short rehearsal, I chose to use the woodwind section primarily in the third movement, this is sort of my “Nimbus 2000” In the third and fourth movements, I am still developing ideas presented in the first movement in order to keep some sort of unification within the symphony.
Find the score ($1.00) and Parts ($99) on Musicaneo
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