The musical compositions of Richard Burdick
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Opus 244
I Ching Chants
for Rapper, Bass voices, trombone, tenor drum, bass drum
and per-recorded sounds
Written from Aug. 2018 to Late Spring 2021
This a video where Richard talks about the work:
Available to hear on CD61
-CD61 I Ching Chants, Op. 244
& Vortex Breathing, Op. 179
Available from BandCamp
This composition is an I Ching cycle work for rapper, low voice, trombone, tape, tenor drum, and bass drum
An original musical composition that honors the composers roots in North America and incorporates his views on the meaning of the I Ching in a unique way.
It presents a concise view of Richard Burdick's new interpretation of the symbolism and meanings of the I Ching in six syllable phrases.
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New energy.
This is a video of a demo, draft or sample of parts 1 - 18 of 65 parts
A constant set of 12 measures for each key was setup. This is somewhat based on the first 01-01 key. Each scale following does not fill up the 12 measures but has some space at the front and the end. To me this is suggesting that God (01-01) is the completes the 12 measures but the rest do not “measure up”
I Ching Hexagram |
Scale V.5 # |
Time | R | text | Tuning | Vol. | Elements | Sibelius |
01-01 |
0:0 | I am all, all am I | -0.3 | FF | water water |
pad2 pad2 |
02-44 |
1:16 |
Power: too much, fall down. | -0.03 | water air |
pad2 pad6 |
03-28 |
2:25 | Power gone; disconnect | -0.77 | water air |
pad1 pad6 |
04-50 |
3:26 | I open up my mind | -0.5 | fire wind |
pad1 pad2 |
05-32 |
4:27 | I embody and rise | -0.25 | fire air |
pad1 pad6 |
06-57 |
5:20 | My self embody's God. | 0 | air air |
pad6 pad6 |
07-48 |
6:19 | My body is all me. | -0.6 | earth air |
fx4 pad6 |
08-18 |
7:11 | My vision doesn't jive. | +0.4 | air air |
pad6 pad6 |
09-46 |
8:03 | R | With my friends go anywhere. | -0.32 | earth air |
fx4 pad6 |
10-06 |
8:48 | I brag but do it not. | -0.05 | water earth |
pad2 fx4 |
11-47 |
9:45 | I act, I work with you. | -0.8 | water earth |
pad2 fx4 |
12-64 |
10:35 | I act, I speak, I am. | -0.58 | fire earth |
pad1 fx4 |
13-40 |
11:23 | I speak from heart to all. | -0.27 | fire earth |
pad1 fx4 |
14-59 |
12:06 | I am getting older. | 0 | air earth |
pad6 fx4 |
15-29 |
12:55 | I am a social being. | +0.18 | earth earth |
fx4 fx4 |
16-04 |
13:36 | I learn from a teacher. | +0.18 | air earth |
pad6 fx4 |
17-07 |
14:18 | R | I join a group for me. | -0.35 | fire fire |
pad1 pad1 |
18-33 |
14:54 | The decline is here now. | -0.15 | water air |
pad2 pad6 |
19-31 |
15:44 | Working hard slowly, yes. | +0.05 | water air |
pad2 pad6 |
20-56 |
16:28 | Higher self speaks through me. | -0.85 | fire air |
pad1 pad6 |
21-62 |
17:13 | No thinking, talk and talk. | -0.5 | fire air |
pad1 pad6 |
22-53 |
17:52 | Morals guide my life's moves. | -0.4 | air air |
pad6 pad6 |
23-39 |
18:35 | I am motivated. | -0.2 | earth air |
fx4 pad6 |
24-52 |
19:14 | I hope still, it's sublime. | 0 | air air |
pad6 pad6 |
25-15 |
19:50 | R | I need rest but love flows. | -0.9 | earth air |
fx4 pad6 |
26-12 |
20:22 | R | This is a huge brain storm. | -0.6 | water earth |
pad2 fx4 |
27-45 |
21:04 | R | E-cho, e-cho, e-cho | -0.45 | water earth |
pad2 fx4 |
28-35 |
21:40 | R | Ancestors speak through me. | -0.25 | air earth |
pad6 fx4 |
29-16 |
22:16 | R | My magic words power. | -0.07 | fire earth |
pad1 fx4 |
30-20 |
22:47 | R | I know, I know, I know. | air earth |
pad6 fx4 |
31-08 |
23:23 | R | Willing to go team first. | earth earth |
fx4 fx4 |
32-23 |
23:53 | R | I am guided by dreams. | air earth |
pad6 fx4 |
33-02 |
24:23 | R | I just sleep I just sleep. | -0.45 | earth earth |
fx4 fx4 |
34-24 |
24:49 | R | Spring has sprung and we grow. | -0.15 | earth fire |
fx4 pad1 |
35-27 |
25:19 | My body reflects all. | -0.07 | air fire |
pad6 pad1 |
36-03 |
25:52 | Here is where I am now. | -0.8 | earth fire |
fx4 pad1 |
37-42 |
26:25 | I care for my garden. | -0.5 | air fire |
pad6 pad1 |
38-51 |
27:02 | Key spoken: portal open | -0.3 | fire fire |
pad1 pad1 |
39-21 |
27:34 | Thunder claps, fire burns down. | -0.22 | fire fire |
pad1 pad1 |
40-17 |
28:09 | What's down there, down deep there? | -0.1 | water fire |
pad2 pad1 |
41-25 |
28:45 | Home, quiet, I think loud. | +0.07 | water fire |
pad2 pad1 |
42-36 |
29:25 | R | Fire burns light starts to spread. | -0.7 | earth fire |
fx4 pad1 |
43-22 |
29:56 | My camp fire fills the sky. | -0.55 | air fire |
pad6 pad1 |
44-63 |
30:30 | Success, success, success. | -0.25 | earth fire |
fx4 pad1 |
45-37 |
31:05 | Fire burns hot, fire burns well. | -0.1 | air fire |
pad6 pad1 |
46-55 |
31:42 | Interview, new job now. | 0 | fire fire |
pad1 pad1 |
47-30 |
32:16 | Rejoice, I have full life. | +0.2 | MP | fire fire |
pad1 pad1 |
48-49 |
32:53 | I have desire, see me. | -0.8 | FF | water fire |
pad2 pad1 |
49-13 |
33:29 | We; my friends together | -0.65 | FF | water fire |
pad2 pad1 |
50-19 |
34:09 | R | New job, but rely on past. | -0.45 | earth water |
fx4 pad2 |
51-41 |
34:38 | Simple rules for my group. | -0.45 | air water |
pad6 pad2 |
52-60 |
35:10 | I lead the group I lead. | -0.25 | earth water |
fx4 pad2 |
53-61 |
35:39 | We know the divine heart. | -0.05 | air water |
pad6 pad2 |
54-54 |
36:14 | I have coffee with friends. | 0 | fire water |
pad1 pad2 |
55-38 |
36:45 | Group friends listen wise words. | -0.8 | fire water |
pad1 pad2 |
56-58 |
37:20 | Group friends listen I'm heard. | -0.7 | water water |
pad2 pad2 |
57-10 |
37:54 | Camp fire, whole group, nights stars. | -0.45 | water water |
pad2 pad2 |
58-11 |
38:31 | R | Go. go, go just open. | -0.25 | earth water |
fx4 pad2 |
59-26 |
39:01 | Crops grow well sunshines down. | -0.18 | air water |
pad6 pad2 |
60-05 |
39:35 | Crops grow well I am rich. | 0 | earth water |
fx4 pad2 |
61-09 |
40:08 | Plants grow fast it rains much. | +0.15 | air water |
pad6 pad2 |
62-34 |
40:44 | Crops fill up big, grow more. | -0.65 | fire water |
pad1 pad2 |
63-14 |
41:16 | Fire clears land, trees grow fast. | -0.5 | fire water |
pad1 pad2 |
64-43 |
41:52 | Ox-i-gen clean air lake. | -0.4 | water water |
pad2 pad2 |
01-01 |
42:27 | I am all, all am I | -0.3 | FF | water water |
pad2 pad2 |
I Ching meanings of the parts for Dan
(Number, Chinese name, title, six syllable text in italics followed by a possible interpretation of the meaning of the Hexagram)
09-46. Sheng
Ascending, advancing
With my friends go anywhere.
Don't give up, move steadily onwards, because progress can be made now. Your efforts will be rewarded and creative enterprises will be successful. You can bring bad luck upon yourself if you are arrogant, boastful, or unpleasant to others. Much the same goes for love and marriage.
17-07. Shi
The army, collective force, leadership
I join a group for me.
A battle is ahead and you need to strive to maintain the confidence of those who depend upon you. Others are on hand to help you and spiritual guidance is also close by. You have to decide whether you should fight against injustice or retreat.
25-15. Ch'ien
Modesty, moderation
I need rest but love flows.
Avoid extremes and try to achieve a balance in your life. Be modest but don’t be stupidly humble, or allow others to make you a victim.
26-12. Pi
Stagnation, disharmony
This is a huge brain storm.
Poverty, losses and hard times are around you now, but a change in outlook or attitude will help. Do not be discouraged, because sometimes out of misfortune good things emerge. Relationships are difficult now. Be modest and don't make a fuss.
27-45. Ts'ui
Gathering, assembling
E-cho, e-cho, e-cho
Personal relationships should be happy and there could be a family celebration in the air. Work is all right, too. Don't be awkward; just go along with the crowd and the general mood for the time being.
28-35. Chin
Progress, advancement
Ancestors speak through me.
Your fortunes are improving and you are on the way up. Be honest in all your dealings, and also be open so that jealous people will not be able to point fingers. An excellent hexagram to find for those in business, in career matters, it suggests that promotion and success are on the way, but don't take an aggressive stance.
29-16. Yu
Happiness, enthusiasm
My magic words power.
Despite the Chinese title of happiness, the reading for hexagram is that of preparation and having the enthusiasm to set out on a new project. You must ensure that all is in order and that there are no loose ends left hanging before you make a start. You will need to advertise yourself and your wares, and to create an enthusiastic atmosphere. Don't fall for your own propaganda.
30-20. Kuan
Observation, contemplation, understanding
I know, I know, I know.
Now is the time to take up a course of study or to train for something. It is also favorable to learn the art of meditation and to go on an inward journey or to analyze yourself. You will need to keep your eyes open for opportunities and in practical matters, and you will need to contemplate the wider issues. Don’t take things on trust, look behind what is obvious and also use your intuition.
31-08. Pi
Union, joining
Willing to go team first.
You need to join others in a collective campaign of some kind. You may need to pull together at work or in the family, and also to work for the good of those around you as well as for yourself. This is a favorable time for trust in business and also for love and marriage.
32-23. Po
Decay, disintegration
I am guided by dreams.
A man may have many girlfriends, but he could soon lose his money, looks, charisma——and eventually all the girlfriends as well. For women, this is a troublesome period when backstabbing and gossiping abound. The odds are against you now. Some aspect of your life will be destroyed so that you can build afresh for the future. Guard against a situation where people who are close to you undermine you from the inside.
33-02. K'un
Receptivity, the Queen
I just sleep, I just sleep.
This hexagram doubles the trigram K'un, and it is the most motherly and feminine of the hexagrams. Adjust to circumstances, fit in and don't make waves. To some extent your future happiness is in the hands of others or it will involve others, so don't think only of yourself. This is a powerful hexagram, but it emphasizes the feminine virtues of endurance, duty, fitting in, and waiting for things to come right. Go with the flow for a while and use your intuition.
34-24. Fu
Return, turning point
Spring has sprung and we grow.
Attune yourself to nature and to the seasons, and op a sense of timing. A change of seasons will bring improvements and a renewal of energy. Be patient. Whether it is business matters, health, or relationships, improvements are on the way. Reunions are likely. Oddly enough, this hexagram is not favorable for matters relating to first marriages, but it is good for subsequent.
42-36. Ming I
Darkening of the light
Fire burns light starts to spread.
When depression and hard times arrive, be cautious and restrained but don’t allow yourself to become ground down by misery. Wait, because things will improve. Just do what needs to be done and refrain from moaning to others about your troubles. Retreat from life a little. Study and train yourself for something new. Keep secrets.
50-19. Lin
Approach, promotion, gathering strength
New job, but rely on past.
Just as a king deals with his subjects magnanimously, so you must deal kindly with those who are under your control. You are, or soon will be, in an excellent position in life. so this is the time to be generous to others Another interpretation tells us that a daughter should listen carefully to her mother and follow her advice. This hexagram also suggests that your luck will change for the better in the month of August.
58-11. T'ai
Peace, harmony, prosperity
Go. go, go just open.
A time of peace, harmony and happiness. Share your happiness and good fortune with those who are less well off. This is a time to plant for the future or harvest from the past.
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