Hear it on BandCamp
Released: January 20, 2021
From the Composer:
RB: "This recording was recorded in 2018 & 19, and I didn't get it completly mastered until January 20, 2021. each work is micro-tuned.
What is an I Ching Cycle?
RB: “The I Ching can be organized in a circle like the image on the right. It is a gradual pattern like the changes in weather through a year. There are beautiful patterns including fascinating opposites.
I have organized this set into a pattern which I have explored in a number of ways. Each exploration is a different "I Ching Cycle." Each cycle has a number of similar features: the rhythm pattern of the hexagrams the rising tonalities from F-0 @ 432 around and up an octave in the microtonal steps. The speed or tempo that relates to the vibration of the tonality (rising or speeding up) and more.
These recordings provide the listener with a progression through the 64 equally spaced tones within an octave of sound in 64 sections. Many of these micro-tone tonalities are ones that we are not exposed to very often, so I think of this music as sort of a vitamin pill of colors that are not in our normal auditory diet."
About the Music:
Eternal Melody, Op. 207 for 9 micro-tunable instruments
(solo and 8 prerecord or live) performed by Richard Burdick, on his French horn.HLP Flows, Op. 206
original title: High / Low Polytonal
A systematized scale study into the I Ching for two instruments.
Music completed January 22, 2018I Ching Flows in Space, Op. 215
Written as a "cleansing-the-space" work to be used as background music in public spaces such as elevators, restaurants and grocery stores.It is also will be presented as a color-with-sound video which will be seen online. Eventually it will be found here:
http://i-ching-music.com/opus296.htmlWhen I travel, and am away from my normal busy routine where recording is more of a priority than composing, I have found I can really focus in on one composition and often complete it in a few days, and the works then remind me of the places I have visited.
This is sort of one of those works. It was inspired during my travel to Prince Edward Island in August of 2014. Most of the organization and writing of this work was done on that trip. Final version is not possible as a concert piece. but as a "tape piece."
See Major, Op. 296 was originally part of Op. 188. Opus 188 the I Ching Pyramid Triads (CD46) is now the complete opus, and this one is now Op. 296 it is written for seven similar microtunable instruments. It is an arpegiation of the triads in the I Ching scale cycle. It is presented fast enough that the rising pitch is often quinte dissonant; An interesiting work to listen to . . .
About the Recording:
This multi track recording was done in April, 2020
Richard Burdick’s multi-track horn ensemble
Cover Photo : Heart shaped wave form patterns from this recording
by R BurdickAbout the Performer:
Richard Burdick as a musician:
French hornist: Richard O. Burdick is the first horn of Regina Symphony Orchestra and the Regina Symphony Chamber Players in Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada. He is a prolific composer.His move to Canada in 2003, with his wife Rebecca and his two boys, marked the start of the fourth major period in his musical Career.
In the 1980’s Richard was first Horn of Napa Symphony, a member of a San Francisco based theater orchestra and played lots of chamber music as manager of Trinity Chamber Concerts, a chamber music series in Berkeley California.
Starting in 1990 he played fourth Horn full-time for Sacramento Symphony, which went bankrupt in 1996. He then won auditions for Fresno Philharmonic, Napa & North State Symphonies and played in Sacramento Philharmonic & Opera.
He is a prolific composer and has many self produced CD’s of his own compositions, Bach, his classical natural horn playing and multi-track performances of many of his favorite pieces.
He performs on a variety of horns, a baroque natural horn (1720), a classical era natural horn (1800), a romantic era (1840's) natural horn, a single F horn from the 1880's, his main symphony horn is a Brendan Model Finke triple horn.
He has also done many music related jobs such as arranger for Sacramento Symphony, librarian and personal manager for Sacramento Philharmonic, and manager of Trinity Chamber Concerts (chamber music series) in Berkeley, California for 19 years starting in 1984.
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# | Microtonal I Ching Cycles | length |
1. | 25:42 |
2. |
15:22 |
3. |
15:42 |
4. |
7:17 |
64:09 |