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I Ching Music logoCD56

CD56: Particles

Burdick, Opuses 159
The sequel to CD28 Waves  

Opus 159   Particles from: Waves and Particles
for 6 & 8 unspecified microtunable instruments

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CD56 Particles

This recording presents the sequal
to CD28 with the release of Particles.


Released: June 20, 2021

Program Notes:

Particles from: Waves and Particleswas recorded in December 2011 at the same time as CD29 Waves, Op 159

From the Composer:
About the Music:

Richard Burdick writes: “I have been listening to this recording in the car for the last month, It’s really good if there is someone near you that is somehow annoying, you can blast this music that sounds like cars horns or a flock of geese and they look around like WTF.

The best track is track eight, and that’s the what you can hear for free, and really that’s all you need to hear to get a sense of the work.

This was recorded in 2011 and I sat on it so long that about five tracks got corrupted and had to be re-recorded. I am in the process of releasing things as soon as I can because if I have another computer crash, there is much less chance of a loss.

CD56 is in a way a catalogue of my I Ching scales version three.

Not much, almost nothing, using my I Ching scales version 3 has been released. It was a major step forward, but was quickly replaced with a system of 64 microtonal scale tonics, but not 64 scales where all eight tones of each scale are tuned outside of the equal temperament that we are so used to.

Wave opus 159 (CD28), was my first composition to be recorded that is music based on the  “micro-tonal” version of my I Ching scales (v.3). For some reason in my liner notes for CD28 I referred to the scales v.3 as “equal temperament” They are in fact equal but not tempered. Using the Shau Yung I Ching circle each of the 64 steps is assigned a harmonic from the series where there are 64 tones in the octave. Then from the assigned tonic the half step, negative or broken I Ching lines I counted up 5 (four harmonics in between) and for whole step, positive or solid I Ching lines I counted up 9 (eight harmonics in between).

It is obvious to me that these Particles were very important for my development, BUT there are much better things to listen to such as CD47 I Ching Rhythms, Op. 209 for four horns or even better CD46 A Rainbow of I Ching triads, Op. 186

I have been working with the I Ching as a foundation for my musical compositions since around 1980, and been through a number of revisions of the interpretation. This and the current version of the I Ching scales (both v. 3 & 5) and tonal signatures are all based on the harmonic series F=10.8 hertz. This then includes A=432, which is the tone that naturally resonates with our bodies. The scales are really based on tones of the 64 harmonics in the 7th octave. Because the fundamental tone of 10.8 Hertz reduces numerologically to a 9, ALL the tones of the set also reduce to 9!

In this CD, we hear the waves going through all 64 keys of my third revision of the I Ching Scales. Each scales has its own key and each key in cycle is about 20 cents higher. Hearing these  waves, I remember forgotten memories and I believe that is the process of waking up or turning on unused parts or connections in my brain, but the basting of all the tones together like this might be too much to activate because of the sensitivity needed.

As I recorded this (Fall 2010) I envisioned the analogy of a snail who’s whole life has been in the shell of the one theory of music. The snail looks outside the shell and see each being’s vibration in a different key and tonal signature. Love surrounds us; any concept of dissonance is and illusion since it is all so beautiful in the wholeness of God.

I believe this to be an important tool to aid in our evolution; wakening the brain to new sound waves.

We seldom get to hear the 64 harmonics in the 7th octave. I hope this helps in your evolution too.”



About the Recording:

This multi track recording was done in 2011 with a few re-recordings in 2021.

Cover Photo : Rug by R Burdick

About the Performer:

Richard Burdick as a musician:
French hornist: Richard O. Burdick is the first horn of Regina Symphony Orchestra and the Regina Symphony Chamber Players in Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada. He is a prolific composer.

His move to Canada in 2003, with his wife Rebecca and his two boys, marked the start of the fourth major period in his musical Career.

In the 1980’s Richard was first Horn of Napa Symphony, a member of a San Francisco based theater orchestra and played lots of chamber music as manager of Trinity Chamber Concerts, a chamber music series in Berkeley California.

Starting in 1990 he played fourth Horn full-time for Sacramento Symphony, which went bankrupt in 1996. He then won auditions for Fresno Philharmonic, Napa & North State Symphonies and played in Sacramento Philharmonic & Opera.

He is a prolific composer and has many self produced CD’s of his own compositions, Bach, his classical natural horn playing and multi-track performances of many of his favorite pieces.

He performs on a variety of horns, a baroque natural horn (1720), a classical era natural horn (1800), a romantic era (1840's) natural horn, a single F horn from the 1880's, his main symphony horn is a Brendan Model Finke triple horn.

He has also done many music related jobs such as arranger for Sacramento Symphony, librarian and personal manager for Sacramento Philharmonic, and manager of Trinity Chamber Concerts (chamber music series) in Berkeley, California for 19 years starting in 1984.

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I Ching Music's divider @ Richard Burdick 2020

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I Ching Music's divider @ Richard Burdick 2020

Tracks List:

# Particles from: Waves and Particles, Op. 159 length
Particles Nos. 1 - 8, Op. 159 Nos. 66-73
Particles Nos. 9 - 16, Op. 159 Nos. 74-81
Particles Nos. 17-24, Op. 159 Nos. 82-89
Particles Nos. 25-32, Op. 159 Nos. 90-97
Particles Nos. 33-40, Op. 159 Nos. 98-104
Particles Nos. 41-48, Op. 159 Nos. 105-112
Particles Nos. 49-56, Op. 159 Nos. 113-120
Particles Nos. 57-64, Op. 159 Nos. 121-128
Total time


I Ching #   Name V. 3 IC scales




IC 1- 8

1 IC01-01 Creative
F-0, G+4, A-14, B-49,C+2, C#+41, D#-31, E-12
2 Openness
C+2, C#-27, D+41, Eb+6
F-0, F#+5, G+4, G#-3
3 Needing Assistance
B+10, C+56, Db+24, D-10,
E+31, F#-21, G-20, G#-25
4 Worship
E-22, F-69, F#-21,G-20,
Bb+31, Cb-10, C-17, Dd+24
5 Winner
G-44, G#+42, A#+11, B#-35, C#+7, D-26, D#-0, E-41
6 Biography
Eb-0, E-41, F-27, F#-47
A+29, B-10, C+38, D-26
7 Team
E-41, F+17 F#-47.G-44,
Bb+11, B-10, B#-35, C+38
8 Membership
C+38, C#+7, D-26, Eb-62,
F#-47, G-44, G#+42, A+29




IC 9- 16

9 Stifled
G-20, A-35, A#+31, B#-17,
C#+23, D-10, Eb+15, E+31
10 Slow going
A-36, Bb+31, C-17, C#-44,
D#-47, E-22, F-14, G-20
11 Body Storm
F#+5, G#-2, A#-29, B+28,
C#-27, Dd+41, D+6, Eb-31
12 Brain Storm
C+73, C#+41, D+6, Eb-31,
F#+5, G#-2. A#-25, B+28
13 Scattered
A#+11, B+65, C+38, D-26,
E-41, F-27, G-44 G#+47
14 Natural flow
F#-47, G#-49, A+29, B-10,
C+38, D-26, D#-62, E-41
15 Tired
D+53, Eb+15, E+29, F-14,
A-35, A#-49, Bb+31 B+9
16 Directive
C#+24, D-10, D#-47, E-85
G-20, A-36, A#-49, B-69




IC 17- 24

17 Mysterious
C-35, C#+7, D-26, Eb-62
F-27, G-44, G#+47, A+29
18 Wrong Place
F-27, F#-47, G#-49, A+29
B+66, C+38, C#+7, D+38
19 Application
G#-25, A-51, B+9, C-17
C#+90, D+53, Eb+15, E-22
20 Dreaming
C+56, C#+24, D-10, Eb-47
F#-21, G-20, A-35, Bb+31
21 In Control
C-17, C#+24, D-10, Eb-47
F-14. G-20, Ab-25, Bb-49
22 Grace
A#-49, B+9, C-17, C#+24
D#+15, E-22, Fb+31, F#-21
23 Forgotten
C+20, C#-14, D-43, Ebb+22, F-0, F#+30, G+28, A-8
24 New Cycle
B-29, C+20, C#-14, D-43
E=3, F-41, F#-73, G-70




IC 25- 32

25 Mind Power
B+47, C#-14, D-43, Ebb+22, F-41, F#+30, G#+20, A#-9
26 Great Inspiration
F#+30, G#+20, A#-9, B+47
C#-14, D-43, D#-78, E-56
27 God's mirror
B-10, C+38, C#+7, D-26
E+17, F-27, F#-47, G#-49
28 Cloud burst
E+17, F#-21, G-44, G#+42
B+42, C+38, D-26, D#-62
29 Idol
D#-31, Eb=29, E+45, F-0
A-14, A#-29, B+28, C+2
30 Rejoice
A-14, A#+51, B+28, C#-27
D#-31, E-12, F-55, F#+5
31 Determination
D+6, D#-31, Eb+29, F-55
G#-3, A#-29, B+28, C+2
32 Promiscuity
E+45, F-0, G+4, A-14
B+28, C#-27, Db+41, D+6




IC 33- 40

33 Dropping
D-10, D#-47, Eb+15 E+31
G#-25, A#-49, B+9, C#-44
34 Strength
F#-21, G#-3, A#-29, B+28
C#-23, Db+41, D+6, Eb-31
35 Inspired writing
C#+7, Cx-26, D+38, Eb-0
G-44, G#+47, A+29, B-10
36 Fitting in
A+29, B-10, C-34, C#+7
D#-0, E-41, F+17, F#-27
37 Productivity
Bb-9, Cb+47, C+20, D-43
Eb+49, E+3, F+27, G+28
38 Teacher
G+28, A+8, Bb+71, B+28
D-43, D#-16, E+56, F-41
39 Desire
C#+57, D+22, D#-16, E+3
G+28, G#+20, A#-9, B-29
40 Giving Birth
D#+44, E+3, F+27, Gb+30
A#-9, B+47, C+38, C#+7




IC 41- 48

41 Recluse
G#-2, A#-29, B+28, C+2
D+6, D#-31, Eb+29, E+45
42 Great Growth
B+28, C#+41, Db+41, D+6
E+45, F-0, G+4, A-14
43 Grown up
F+27, G+28, A+8, B-29
C+20, D-43, D#-16, E-56
44 Sickness
E+3, F-41, F#+30, G#+20
Bb-9, C-14, C#-14, D+27
45 Verbal thoughts
C#-14, D-43, D+22, Eb-16
F#+30, G#+20, A#-9, B-29
46 Gang
E+59, F+27, G+28, A+8
B+47, C+20, C#+57, D+22
47 Great efforts
D#+15, E-32, F-14, F#-21
A#-49, B+9, C#-44, Db+24
48 Addiction
F-15, F#-21, G#-25, A#-49
B#-17, C#-44, D-10, Eb-47




IC 49- 57

49 Advertising
Bb+31, C-17, C#-44, D-10
E-22, F-14, G-20. Ab-25
50 Cooking
E+31. F-14, G-20, A-35
B+9, C-56, C#+29, D#-47
51 Being born
B-49, C+2, C#-27, D-59
E-12, F-0, F#+5, G+4
52 Beholding
C#+41, D+6, Eb-31, E-12
G+4, G#-2, A-14, B-49
53 Divine purpose
C#+74, D+38, D#-0, E+17
G#-49, A-53, A+11, B#-35
54 Commitment
G#-49, A+8, B-10, C-34
D-26, D#-0, E-41, F-83
55 Contestant
A+8, Bb+71, Cb+47, C#-14
D#-16, E+3, F-41, F#-73
56 Great actions
D+22, D#-16, E-56, F-41
G#+20, A#-9, B_29, C+20



IC 58- 64
57 Dark source
E-12, F-55, G-5, G#-3
A#+56, B+28, C-27, D+6
58 Attractive
G+4, A-14, A#+51. B+28
C#+41, D#-31, E-12, F-55
59 Ensemble
D#-16, E-56, F-41, F#-73
A+9, Bb-9, B+47, C-14
60 Socialite
G#+20, A#-9, B+47, C+20
D+22, Eb-16, E+3, F-41
61 Simplicity
G#+42, A#+11, B+66, C+38
D+38, Eb-0, E+17, F#-47
62 Quick strong
D+38, Eb-0, E-41, F-27
G#+47, A#+11, B-10, C-34
63 Accomplishment
A#-29, B+28, C+2, Db+41
Eb+29, E-12, F-0, F#+5
64 Preacher
Eb+29, E-12, F-0, F#+5
A#-29, B+28, C+2, Db+41


Here are a few sample pages of the "score" of Opus 159:

Burdick's Opus 159 sample page for No. 28
Burdick's Opus 159 sample page for No. 28 "Cloud Burst"


Burdick's Opus 159 sample page for No. 22
Burdick's Opus 159 sample page for No. 22 (part one) "Grace"


Burdick's Opus 159 sample page for No. 22
Burdick's Opus 159 sample page for No. 22 (part two) "Grace"


All tunings are based with A= 432

1 Creative - F-0, G+4, A-14, B-49,C+2, C#+41, D#-31, E-12

2 Openness - C+2, C#-27, D+41, Eb+6 F-0, F#+5, G+4, G#-3

3 Needing Assistance - B+10, C+56, Db+24, D-10, E+31, F#-21, G-20, G#-25

4 Worship E-22, F-69, F#-21,G-20,
Bb+31, Cb-10, C-17, Dd+24

5 Winner - G-44, G#+42, A#+11, B#-35, C#+7, D-26, D#-0, E-41

6 Biography - Eb-0, E-41, F-27, F#-47, A+29, B-10, C+38, D-26

7 Team - E-41, F+17 F#-47.G-44, Bb+11, B-10, B#-35, C+38

8 Membership - C+38, C#+7, D-26, Eb-62, F#-47, G-44, G#+42, A+29


All tunings are based with A= 432

9 Stifled - G-20, A-35, A#+31, B#-17, C#+23, D-10, Eb+15, E+31

10 Slow going - A-36, Bb+31, C-17, C#-44, D#-47, E-22, F-14, G-20

11 Body Storm - F#+5, G#-2, A#-29, B+28, C#-27, Dd+41, D+6, Eb-31

12 Brain Storm - C+73, C#+41, D+6, Eb-31, F#+5, G#-2. A#-25, B+28

13 Scattered - A#+11, B+65, C+38, D-26, E-41, F-27, G-44 G#+47

14 Natural flow - F#-47, G#-49, A+29, B-10, C+38, D-26, D#-62, E-41

15 Tired - D+53, Eb+15, E+29, F-14, A-35, A#-49, Bb+31 B+9

16 Directive - C#+24, D-10, D#-47, E-85, G-20, A-36, A#-49, B-69


All tunings are based with A= 432

17 Mysterious - C-35, C#+7, D-26, Eb-62, F-27, G-44, G#+47, A+29

18 Wrong Place - F-27, F#-47, G#-49, A+29, B+66, C+38, C#+7, D+38

19 Application - G#-25, A-51, B+9, C-17, C#+90, D+53, Eb+15, E-22

20 Dreaming - C+56, C#+24, D-10, Eb-47, F#-21, G-20, A-35, Bb+31

21 In Control - C-17, C#+24, D-10, Eb-47, F-14. G-20, Ab-25, Bb-49

22 Grace - A#-49, B+9, C-17, C#+24, D#+15, E-22, Fb+31, F#-21

23 Forgotten - C+20, C#-14, D-43, Ebb+22, F-0, F#+30, G+28, A-8

24 New Cycle - B-29, C+20, C#-14, D-43, E+3, F-41, F#-73, G-70


All tunings are based with A= 432

25 Mind Power - B+47, C#-14, D-43, Ebb+22, F-41, F#+30, G#+20, A#-9

26 Great Inspiration - F#+30, G#+20, A#-9, B+47, C#-14, D-43, D#-78, E-56

27 God's mirror - B-10, C+38, C#+7, D-26, E+17, F-27, F#-47, G#-49

28 Cloud burst - E+17, F#-21, G-44, G#+42, B+42, C+38, D-26, D#-62

29 Idol - D#-31, Eb=29, E+45, F-0, A-14, A#-29, B+28, C+2

30 Rejoice - A-14, A#+51, B+28, C#-27, D#-31, E-12, F-55, F#+5

31 Determination - D+6, D#-31, Eb+29, F-55, G#-3, A#-29, B+28, C+2

32 Promiscuity - E+45, F-0, G+4, A-14, B+28, C#-27, Db+41, D+6


All tunings are based with A= 432

33 Dropping - D-10, D#-47, Eb+15 E+31, G#-25, A#-49, B+9, C#-44

34 Strength - F#-21, G#-3, A#-29, B+28, C#-23, Db+41, D+6, Eb-31

35 Inspired writing - C#+7, Cx-26, D+38, Eb-0, G-44, G#+47, A+29, B-10

36 Fitting in - A+29, B-10, C-34, C#+7, D#-0, E-41, F+17, F#-27

37 Productivity - Bb-9, Cb+47, C+20, D-43, Eb+49, E+3, F+27, G+28

38 Teacher - G+28, A+8, Bb+71, B+28, D-43, D#-16, E+56, F-41

39 Desire - C#+57, D+22, D#-16, E+3, G+28, G#+20, A#-9, B-29

40 Giving Birth - D#+44, E+3, F+27, Gb+30, A#-9, B+47, C+38, C#+7


All tunings are based with A= 432

41 Recluse - G#-2, A#-29, B+28, C+2, D+6, D#-31, Eb+29, E+45

42 Great Growth - B+28, C#+41, Db+41, D+6, E+45, F-0, G+4, A-14

43 Grown up - F+27, G+28, A+8, B-29, C+20, D-43, D#-16, E-56

44 Sickness - E+3, F-41, F#+30, G#+20, Bb-9, C-14, C#-14, D+27

45 Verbal thoughts - C#-14, D-43, D+22, Eb-16, F#+30, G#+20, A#-9, B-29

46 Gang - E+59, F+27, G+28, A+8, B+47, C+20, C#+57, D+22

47 Great efforts - D#+15, E-32, F-14, F#-21, A#-49, B+9, C#-44, Db+24

48 Addiction - F-15, F#-21, G#-25, A#-49, B#-17, C#-44, D-10, Eb-47


All tunings are based with A = 432

49 Advertising - Bb+31, C-17, C#-44, D-10, E-22, F-14, G-20. Ab-25

50 Cooking - E+31. F-14, G-20, A-35, B+9, C-56, C#+29, D#-47

51 Being born - B-49, C+2, C#-27, D-59, E-12, F-0, F#+5, G+4

52 Beholding - C#+41, D+6, Eb-31, E-12, G+4, G#-2, A-14, B-49

53 Divine purpose - C#+74, D+38, D#-0, E+17, G#-49, A-53, A+11, B#-35

54 Commitment - G#-49, A+8, B-10, C-34, D-26, D#-0, E-41, F-83

55 Contestant - A+8, Bb+71, Cb+47, C#-14, D#-16, E+3, F-41, F#-73

56 Great actions - D+22, D#-16, E-56, F-41, G#+20, A#-9, B_29, C+20


All tunings are based with A = 432

57 Dark source - E-12, F-55, G-5, G#-3, A#+56, B+28, C-27, D+6

58 Attractive - G+4, A-14, A#+51. B+28, C#+41, D#-31, E-12, F-55

59 Ensemble - D#-16, E-56, F-41, F#-73
A+9, Bb-9, B+47, C-14

60 Socialite - G#+20, A#-9, B+47, C+20, D+22, Eb-16, E+3, F-41

61 Simplicity - G#+42, A#+11, B+66, C+38, D+38, Eb-0, E+17, F#-47

62 Quick strong - D+38, Eb-0, E-41, F-27, G#+47, A#+11, B-10, C-34

63 Accomplishment - A#-29, B+28, C+2, Db+41, Eb+29, E-12, F-0, F#+5

64 Preacher - Eb+29, E-12, F-0, F#+5, A#-29, B+28, C+2, Db+41


Richard O. Burdick's out-of-tune horn ensemble


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& I Ching Chants, Op. 244

CD60CD60 - Wilder Graas Presser

CD59CD59 - A Walk with Giants & Motor 1 2 4 8 7 5

CD58CD58 - Music We Publish

CD57CD57 - Piano works: Wave, Relentless & more

CD56CD56 - Particles

CD55CD55 - Duets

CD54CD54 - The 270's

CD53CD53 - Burdick & Harbison Quartets

CD52CD52- Found These Too  

CD51CD51- Microtonal I Ching Cycles

CD50CD50 - I Ching Elements

CD49CD49 - Brass Music, Op. 9, 10, 45, 268, 269 &150b

CD48CD48 - Giovanni Gastoldi

CD47CD47 - I Ching Rhythms,Op. 209

CD46CD46 - A Rainbow of I Ching triads

CD45CD45 - North American
Horn Music

CD44CD44 - Opening the Sphinx

CD43CD43 - Music of Silvio Coscia

CD42CD42 - I Sound My Horn

CD41CD41 - American Horn Music - vol. 2

CD40CD40 - Retrospective II - The horn Quartets

CD39CD39 - Bach by Popular Demand

CD38CD38 -
Matthew Locke
Broken &  Flatte Consorts

CD37CD37 - Microtonal music of R O Burdick

CD36CD36 - Classical Natural Horn Duvernoy & Schneider

CD35CD35 - Twenty-Two Trios for  Horns, Op. 156

CD34CD34 - Natural Horn Music FOUND

CD33CD33 - More than 64 Quartets for Horns based on the
I Ching

CD32CD32 - American Horn Music of the 40's & 50's

CD31CD31 - Grand Music of J. F. Gallay - vol. 2

CD30CD30 - Grand Music of J. F. Gallay - vol. 1

CD29CD29 - Astral Waves
& Phosphor


CD27aCD27a - Castelnuovo Tedesco horn quartet

CD27CD27 - Anton Reicha Trios Op. 82 & 93

CD26CD26 - Accuracy Studies For the French horn student

CD25aCD25a - Bach Cantata
BWV 132 No. 1

CD25CD25 - Nice Notes

CD24CD24 - Duets, opus 132 complete in the "one takes"

CD23CD23 - More than 64 solos for Horn, Op. 139

CD22CD22 – Naderman’s Music for Horn and Harp

CD21CD21 - Beyond Favorites

CD20CD20 - Classical Gas

CD19ACD19a - Dauprat's trios Op. 26

CD19CD19 -  Dauprat's Grand Music

CD18CD18 - Louis-Francois Dauprat Duos for Horns,
Opus 13 - vol. 2

CD17CD17 - Favorites - Barber, Grieg, Bach BWV 82 & 225

CD16CD16 - Howlers Revised 2006 Dauprat  Duets, Op. 14, Mozart

CD15CD15 - J. S. Bach's Easter  Oratorio,
BWV 249

CD14CD14 - Dauprat Op. 8

CD13CD13 -
64 Duets, Op. 132 part two #17-34

CD12CD12 - Reveré by
V. Herbert

CD11CD11 - 64 Duets, Op. 132 part one #1-16

CD10CD10 - The Planets for
solo horn, opus 19

CD9CD 9 - Louis-Francois Dauprat Duos for Horns, Op. 13

CD8CD 8 - Portal Solo Multi-phonic French horn In An Environment of drones & overtones.



CD6CD 6 - "Richard Burdick with tape"

CD5CD 5 - "Let Me Out


CD4CD 4 - 4.5 INCH SINGLE Aaron Blumenfeld’s Horn Sonata

CD3CD 3  - Howlers
Louis-François Dauprat’s 20 Duos for Natural 

CD2CD 2 - I Ching Arpeggios

CD1CD 1 - Rebel
with a Horn