The musical compositions of Richard Burdick
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Opus 159
Waves and Particles
for 6 & 8 microtunable instruments (time)
c. 2009
Find Waves this on CD28
Find most of the Particles on CD56
The Sheet music will not be released except by very special request Contact us
The Wave is for six micro-tunable similar instruments, and
Paticles is for 8 micro-tunable similar instruments.
This has now been in creation since 2009 The particles section of the recording takes about 3 hours per track to record, each track has two exciting new chords and unbelivable complex poly-rhythms. I am like a child waiting to hear what the actual chord sounds like as it is layered together. The length of time this work is taking to complete is well worth the wait.
Totalism god.
CD28 Waves and Paricles volume one: WAVES is now available from cdBaby
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CD28 tracks list
# | CD56: Particles from: Waves and Particles, Op. 159 | length |
1. | 8:06 |
2. |
10:37 |
3. |
9:05 |
4. |
9:36 |
5 |
10:42 |
6. |
11:59 |
7. |
11:13 |
8. |
11:11 |
84:23 |
Here are a few sample pages of the "score" of Opus 159:
Burdick's Opus 159 sample page for No. 28 "Cloud Burst"
Burdick's Opus 159 sample page for No. 22 (part one) "Grace"
Burdick's Opus 159 sample page for No. 22 (part two) "Grace"
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