The musical compositions of Richard Burdick
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Opus 289
Duet for horn and viola (10:00)
Find the recording on CD55 at BandCamp
Duet for Horn and Viola, Op. 289 |
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This was written in October of 2020. After my computer crashed, I didn't want to start anything big, so I wrote a series of duets. I started with a list of duets I had written with a goal of writting a duet for horn with every other instrument. This set is just about the most interesting retrospective I could assemble and it will be my CD55 that will be out in the Sping of 2021
I wrote this quite fast and the 2nd and 3rd movmements wre both written on Octobr 10, 2020. The first recorded was comlpeted March 10, 2021 RIchard plaed horn and he use SWAM for the viola.
The viola on CD55 was recorded using the SWAM instruments. I love SWAM (Expressive Virtual Instruments and Live Performance Software SWAM is a new-generation technology that enables musicians, performers, and composers to expand their creativity. The SWAM engine combines concepts of Physical Modeling and Behavioral Modeling with the Multi-Vector/Phase-Synchronous Sample-Morphing technique.) I play them with the piano keyboard and a breath controller. The breath adds phrase shape, volume, articulation and vibrato making the instruments sound alive.
Movement one page one
Movement two page one
Movement three page one
Movement four page one
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