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Choral with Variations
for four Horns,
Op. 162 (1956) CD66 cover
by Mario Castelnuovo-Tedesco




Released: c. 2011

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This is a better sample than on CdBaby:
This is the beginning Choral, CD baby's sample is the first variation which is about the weakest part of the composition.

THIS WORK IS 10½ minutes long!

              For 99 cents you get to hear the compete work!
All nine parts for 99 cents!

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Program Notes:

 The dedication at the top of the music reads
 "To Joseph Eger, and the Los Angeles Horn Club."

Mario Castelnuovo-Tedesco’s Guitar works seem to have become part of the standard repertoire but other than those guitar works, he is eclipsed by his very famous students: Henri Mancini, Nelson Riddle, Andre Previn, Jerry Goldsmith and John Williams. Tedesco was a very prolific composer having written 220 opuses and numerous unnumbered works including hundreds of film score. The Los Angeles Horn Club commissioned this work and it was published in 1956, but to my knowledge never recorded.

This recording was made the third week of November 2010, a very cold week in Regina Saskatchewan. This multi-track recording by Richard O. Burdick is done in response to what is lacking in a lot of music today: expressiveness and a flexible tempo. Music should come from the heart, with free flowing tempos aiding the expression. This multi-track recording was recorded without using a click track.

+++++++++ THIS WORK IS 10½ minutes long! ++++++++++
------- For 99 cents you get to hear the compete work! -----

Mario Castelnuovo-Tedesco

Choral with Variations for four Horns, opus 162 (1956)

This work is in nine parts:

Choral – Andantino
Variation 1: Molto Moderato
Variation 2: Same Tempo, ma un poco agitato
Variation 3: Aria
Variation 4: Molto Vivace Tempo di giga
Variation 5: Allegretto Burlesque alla Marcia
Variation 6: Molto largo Notturno
Variation 7: Fuga, Moderato ma deciso
Tempo del Corale (very full, solemn and pomposo)

This was re-recorded and is also available on CD32

About the Recording:


About the Performer:

Richard Burdick as a musician:
French hornist: Richard O. Burdick is the first horn of Regina Symphony Orchestra and the Regina Symphony Chamber Players in Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada. He is a prolific composer.

His move to Canada in 2003, with his wife Rebecca and his two boys, marked the start of the fourth major period in his musical Career.

In the 1980’s Richard was first Horn of Napa Symphony, a member of a San Francisco based theater orchestra and played lots of chamber music as manager of Trinity Chamber Concerts, a chamber music series in Berkeley California.

Starting in 1990 he played fourth Horn full-time for Sacramento Symphony, which went bankrupt in 1996. He then won auditions for Fresno Philharmonic, Napa & North State Symphonies and played in Sacramento Philharmonic & Opera.

He is a prolific composer and has many self produced CD’s of his own compositions, Bach, his classical natural horn playing and multi-track performances of many of his favorite pieces.

He performs on a variety of horns, a baroque natural horn (1720), a classical era natural horn (1800), a romantic era (1840's) natural horn, a single F horn from the 1880's, his main symphony horn is a Brendan Model Finke triple horn.

He has also done many music related jobs such as arranger for Sacramento Symphony, librarian and personal manager for Sacramento Philharmonic, and manager of Trinity Chamber Concerts (chamber music series) in Berkeley, California for 19 years starting in 1984.

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I Ching Music's divider @ Richard Burdick 2020

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I Ching divider © 2020 Richard O. Burdick

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I Ching Music.

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