The musical compositions of Richard Burdick
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Opus 302

64 Horn Quartets
for four horns in I Ching scales version 5


May 2023: The recording is done and the score edits are all done. Richard is recording his string quartet version of this (Op. 308) when that is done Cd's will be released and sheet music will be made available.

in the mean time, we are posting little videos of these quartets on youtube, brighteon, instagram and TikTok 

This set is and I Ching Cycle. These sets are 64 little pieces or steps that cycle through an octave of sound from F to F with 64 unique tonics. If we start the reckoning of the vibration at F = 344 hertz, each step is about 4 hertz higher. For more information see the I Ching Cycles page

I Ching divider © 2020 Richard O. Burdick

The is a redo of opus 178, but in the correct and final I Ching Scales. The composer writes: "As I re-record these works, now in March of 2023, I am impressed by the geometric or sculpture-like quality of thes works, so far I like No. 16 the best with it's falls and stopped to open things, than make it a unique machine like opject; it's very cool."

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I Ching Music's divider @ Richard Burdick 2020

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I Ching Music's divider @ Richard Burdick 2020

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Quartets, Opus 302 volume one
No. Title tempo tuning
(from A = 440)
1 No. 01-01 "Creative" q = 57.6 A-30
2 No. 02-44 "Sickness" e = 58.5 F-6
3 No. 03-28 "Cloud Burst" q = 59.4 F#-47
4 No. 04-50 "Cooking" q = 120.6 F#-21
5 No. 05-32 "Promiscuity" e = 122.4 E+45
6 No. 06-57 "Dark Source" q = 124.2 F#+30
7 No. 07-48 "Addiction" q = 63 G-44
8 No. 08-18 "Wrong Place" q = 127.8 G-20
9 No. 09-46 "Gang" q = 129.6 G+4
10 No. 10-06 "Biography" q = 131.4 G+28
11 No. 11-47 "Group Effort" q = 133.2 G#-49
12 No. 12-64 "Preacher" q. = 101.75 Eb+29
13 No. 13-40 "Giving Birth" q = 136.3 G#-3
14 No. 14-59 "Ensemble" e = 138.6 G#+20
15 No. 15-29 "Idol" q = 105.3 G#+47
16 No. 16-04 "Worship" q =106.65 A-36




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