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Richard Burdick's
I Ching Cycles 

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What is an I Ching Cycle?

RB: “The I Ching can be organized in a circle like the image on the right. It is a gradual pattern like the changes in weather through a year. There are beautiful patterns including fascinating opposites.

I have organized this set into a pattern which I have explored in a number of ways. Each exploration is a different "I Ching Cycle." Each cycle has a number of similar features: the rhythm pattern of the hexagrams the rising tonalities from F-0 @ 432 around and up an octave in the microtonal steps. The speed or tempo that relates to the vibration of the tonality (rising or speeding up) and more.

These recordings provide the listener with a progression through the 64 equally spaced tones within an octave of sound in 64 sections. Many of these micro-tone tonalities are ones that we are not exposed to very often, so I think of this music as sort of a vitamin pill of colors that are not in our normal auditory diet."


Opus 324 Yin-Yang Beauty No. 2 (for 2 pianos & horn for CD recording.)

Opus 323 Yin-Yang Beauty No. 1 (for string orchestra or 8 similar instr's.)

Opus 322 Yin/Yang Melody Cycle (3 horns, piano & drums)

Opus 308 More than 64 Quartets - strings in I Ching v.5

Opus 304  I Ching Sawblade Scales - solo instrument

Opus 302  More than 64 Quartets - horns on I Ching v.5

Opus 300 A Walk with Giants for solo tape (on CD59)

Opus 298  Waves & Relentless an I Ching cycle for solo     piano (on CD57)

Opus 297  Almost Relentless an I Ching cycle for solo piano      (on CD57)

Opus 296 See Major
     for 7 similar micro-tunable instruments (on CD51)

Opus 247 Motor 1 2 4 8 7 5
     for six horns with
     harp, vibraphone, celeste and piano

Opus 244   I Ching Chants (on CD59b)

Opus 232  I Ching Harmonic Signatures
       8 micro-tunable inst's

Opus 215   I Ching Flows in Space
     for digitally modified
     Vibraphone, Harp, Piano and Celeste(on CD51)

Opus 209 I Ching Rhythms (on CD47)

Opus 207   Eternal Melody
   for 9 micro-tunable instruments
    (solo and 8 prerecord or live)

(on CD51)

Opus 206   HLP FLOWS (High / Low polytonal)
   for solo instrument with 8 prerecorded (on CD51)

Opus 205   Treegram Forreston CD37

Opus 204   Polar Flux (on CD37)

Opus 202   Earth & Moon for four players (on CD37)

Opus 201   I Ching Base Tones (find it on youtube)

Opus 188  I Ching Pyramids for seven similar instruments    (on CD45)

Opus 186  A Rainbow of I Ching Triads for 7 similar    
   instruments (on CD46)

Opus 179   Vortex Breathing

Opus 150   We Give Thanks for six unspecified instruments

Opus 148  One-hundred-twenty-eight Amens
for two unspecified micro-tunable instruments

Opus 130b  The Test of Time for chamber orchestra
Opus 130a  Octet (Test of Time) for wind instruments

I Ching sets:

Opus 318  &  Opus 321 Handsome Horn

Opus 293 64 solo for horn in IC scales V.5

Opus 292 64 Duets for two horns in IC scales V.5

Opus 178   More than 64 Quartets for horns on the I Ching (CD33)

Opus 139  More than 64 Solos for solo horn (on CD23)
Opus 132   Sixty-four Duets for two horn (on CD24)

I Ching divider © 2020 Richard O. Burdick

© 2025 Richard O. Burdick
I Ching Music.

All rights reserved.