The musical compositions of Richard Burdick
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Opus 71
Prairie Sculpture
for pairs of flutes, oboes, clarinets, horns and bassoons (wip)
2002 - 2024
to be released in the Summer of 2025
this is just a template
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This work is a complete redo of my sketches from 2002-2004
The work was begun in San Francisco in 2002. It was in three fragments:
1) Sculpture VI for solo
multi-phonic horn, which needs revision
2) Sonatina for two horns,
which seems to be incomplete
3) Sculpture VII for five
horn, which seems to be incomplete.
I seem to remember working on the duet and a similar quintet for horns during a long break when I was fortunate enough to get called to substitute in S. F. Ballet nutcracker performances, December 2002
In 2004, I was working on revising all my horn duets. I expect a volume of at least 30 duets will be available, but it has been left incomplete for now.
The title Sonatina has been changed to Prairie Sculpture and the insrumentation has chnged to symphonic winds with horns (ten players.)
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