The musical compositions of Richard Burdick
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Opus 70

Full Circle
for Horn and Timpani (x:xx)

October 30 - November 19th 1992
A complete revison is in process April 2020

We are still debating if this will be relaseed on not (c. 2025)

this is just a template


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Originally this work was a duet for horn and timpani that never got perfromed

Written October 30 - November 19th 1992
for Stan Lunetta

An interesting scientific work.

This piece would be ideal as background music at places such as an art gallery opening.

April 2nd 2009:
I hadn't opened the main score of this since 1992!

IT's full of hard rhythms, so it'll take a quite a bit of work to put together, but I think with a musical interpretation, i think this is quite a nice work.

Full circle refers to 360 measures in the piece.
It is base on the total permutations the combinations of five tones.

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I Ching Music's divider @ Richard Burdick 2020


I Ching Music's divider @ Richard Burdick 2020

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