The musical compositions of Richard Burdick
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Opus 69
Pentagonal Palastrina
(Hibernating Humanism)
for trombone quintet
or Opus 69b for low-horn quintet
c. 1991
to be released in the Summer of 2025
this is just a template
Commissioned by Joel Ellias at the University of California @ Davis
This work was written for an intermediate college quintet, with restrictions on range, and the complexity of rhythm. The second section does contain a difficult rhythm for the first player. In my opinion, the rest is quite easy. The difficulty arrives though the use of difficult harmonies and a need for a high level of musicianship needed to interpret this work.
This work contains a quote from Palastrina. It can be found near the end of the first and third parts of the composition. It occurs several time, but is usually modified into a mode other than the major scale used by Palastrina. Thus the primary name. The first section I believe is in a poly - modal form of composition with the tone centers B & C#. The second section is a study inspired by Alvin Lucier. It is a study into expanding cluster from four half steps to four whole steps.
Performance of the work should emphasis smooth lines with a forwards direction in the first part, slow with attention given to the changing interference beats in the second part and in the third part, lets add an accelerando from 238 to 243 where a Molto Allegro begins to the end. The section at 275 should have the feel of a jazz interlude.
The secondary title refers to my awareness of the lack of Humanism,
I perceived in the students. This work was written at the coffee shop at the University of California @ Davis.
Only slight revisions have been made to the 2014 edition.
It is obvious to me the connection between this work and my horn and timpani duet, where I used all the possible permutations of 5.
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