The musical compositions of Richard Burdick
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Opus 277 (242h)
Mindset: "Self-Realization"
for solo clarinet (6:45)
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This was originally writtem for solo horn, but the strength of the horn just didn't fit with the overall calmness of the entire Mindset. So I changed it to clarinet. It changes the orginal quite a bit . . .but the overall effect is way more unified.
The work The MInd Set op 242 is a long work (74 minutes) written for trhee clarinets, three horns and three 'celli. it is nine parts each part was designed to fit in the whole work or extracted as a smaller work for different ensembles from solo horn (Op. 277), clarinet and cello duet (Op. 273, to a smaller work for all nine players (Rain Forrest, Plains, Waltz and Sun, Op. 270).
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