The musical compositions of Richard Burdick
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Opus 268
Rings of Saturn
for brass quintet (12:50)
1986 rev. 1994
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Opus 268 | Brass Quintet version |
Opus 268a | Wind Quintet version |
Opus 268b | Piano solo version |
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Opus 268 Brass Quintet | |
Opus 268a Brass Quintet | |
Opus 268b piano solo |
This work is in four movement which all use the I Ching Scales 54-54 & 27-45
The Rings of Saturn I "sort of slow" (beat = 74)
The Rings of Saturn II "tonefull" (beat = 54)
The Rings of Saturn III "Glimmer" (beat = 48)
The Rings of Saturn IV "Allegro" (beat = 138)
This work shows the composers love for high trumpet and he felt he was pushing the limit of musicality. The third movement is sounds like a chance operation, but does have an order to it based on the harmonic series.
This work shows the composers love for high trumpet and he felt he was pushing the limit of musicality. The third movement is sounds like a chance operation, but does have an order to it based on the harmonic series.
This is part of the composers "Ring Cycle" The Ring Cycle was begun in 1982 and the composer adds a new movement occasionally. This work is a music depiction of the some of the planets, moons and other objects of our solar system There are currently 19 movements, it Includes: Opus 9 "The Inner Ring", Opus 10 "The Middle Ring", Opus 45 the Outer Ring and Opus 269 "More Outer Ring."
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