The musical compositions of Richard Burdick
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Opus 45
The Outer Ring
for brass trio
1983, then Revised in February 1988
Find the sheet music on MusicaNeo:
Opus 45 Brass Version (trumpet, horn & trombone)
Opus 45a Horn Version (3 horns)
(you can hear the recording here)
The Outer Ring is part of a series of compositions based on the planets of our Solar System., along with the Inner Ring for Bell Choir and the Middle Ring for Brass Quintet, plus Mars for Horn quartet.
These are early I Ching scale works.
This was performed a number of times by the "Mills Brass Trio"
Janet Finkbeiner, trumpet
Richard Burdick, horn
Jim McKee, trombone
The Mills Brass Trio was a class at Mills College for Jim & Janet and coached by trumpeter Jay Rizzetto.
This work is in two versions:
Op. 45 for trumpet, horn and trombone
Op. 45a for three horns
Find the sheet music on MusicaNeo:
Opus 45a Horn Version
(you can hear the recording here)
This work is part of a four-work set:
The Inner Ring, opus 9 for Bell Choir
1. Sun (I Ching scale v.1 #49)
2. Mercury (I Ching scale v.1 #50)
3. Venus (I Ching scale v.1 #51)The Middle Ring, Opus 10 for Brass Quintet
1. Moon (meditation) (I Ching scale v.1 #52)
2. Mars (developing) (I Ching scale v.1 #53)
3. Saturn (I Ching scale v.1 #54)
The Outer Ring, Opus 45 for brass trio
1983 Rev. February 1988
1. Uranus (I Ching scale v.1 #55)
2. Neptune (I Ching scale v.1 #56)
3. Pluto (I Ching scale v.1 #57)
Charon, Opus 254 for Flute, horn, harp, cello with videotape (Charon is the biggest moon of Pluto, perhaps, so comparatively big that Pluto and Charon sort of spiral together.)
There are versions of these works:
The Inner Ring, opus 9a for woodwind quintet 1982
1. Sun (I Ching scale v.1 #49)
2. Mercury (I Ching scale v.1 #50)
3. Venus (I Ching scale v.1 #51)Mars, opus 10b arranged for Horn Quartet
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