The musical compositions of Richard Burdick
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Opus 263
Glacier Suite No. 3
Ten players (wind & brass quintet) with videotape
(with or without orchestra)
I. Many Glaciers Lodge & nearby rocks
II. Lunch Creek
III. Running Eagle Falls
IV. Appistoki Falls (Two Medicine Area)
V. Suspension Bridge on Reynolds Creek
Sunrift Gorge & three falls (July 2019)
The set of three Glacier Suites (Op. 257, Op. 258 & 263) is designed to be performer separately or together as a set. Suite 1 feature the brass quintet, Suite 2 a wind quintet and Suite 3 all ten players.
The timings are:
Suite 1 = 15:38 (1 movement )
Suite 2 = 19:00 (3 movements)
Suite 3 = 18:40 (6 movements)
total time = 53:18
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Performed by Richard Burdick's horn & swam ensemble
Movement one: Many Glaciers - Verision with scrolling sheet music
Movement one: Many Glaciers - video version
Movement two: Lunch Creek - Verision with scrolling sheet music
Movement two: Lunch Creek- video version
Movement three: Running Eagle Falls - Verision scrolling sheet music
Movement three: Running Eagle Falls - video version
Movement four: Appistoki Falls - Verision scrolling sheet music
Movement four: Appistoki Falls - video version
Movement five: Suspension Bridge on Reynolds Creek - Verision scrolling sheet music
Movement five: Suspension Bridge on Reynolds Creek - video version
Movement six: Sunrift Gorge & three falls - Verision scrolling sheet music
Movement six: Sunrift Gorge & three falls - video version
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