The musical compositions of Richard Burdick
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Opus 87
Rock Music
for Viola and Guitar (time)
c. 1995
NO final copy of this piece exists
Composers note (Feb. 2020)
I have no plans to work on this piece.
If you are interested please contact me.
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Composers note (3-20-95)
It has been many months since I have even looked at these pieces.
There are sub-tittles to the pieces I believe they are Sedimentary and
Christaline There is third movement nearing completion, which is not included.
The main reason I have not considered these piece incomplete is because I have
not had a chance to figure out what notes are possible in the dense chords
latter in the first movement. Inversions and omission of notes is acceptable. I
would really appreciate a guitarists help in finishing the first
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