The original version is now discontinued (1986 - rev. 1994);
It's too long to perform comfortably. In 2020 I have made a shorter version. It has the same effect.
Infinity, opus 88 series is a set of long tone studies on the I ching scales. It is suggested that your stereo have wide separation of Listen to the interference beats! This is "Infinity for horn and tape loop, op. 88"
This work is registered with ASCAP
the ASCAP work ID is: 390564433 (listed as opus 88e)
Click this for the PDF
Instructions for Infinity, Op. 88b
For solo instrument with tape loop
In the old days we would make an actual loop between two reel-to-reel tape recorders, record on one and playback through the other. The loop took the time of one measure to cycle.
For the performance that Mr. Burdick did that can be found on his website, he just recorded the horn part, then copied the track to a new track and delayed it a measure four times, each panned closer to the center, and each time softer.
If you perform this work please tell up how you did the set up and delay.