The musical compositions of Richard Burdick
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                                                                          Opus 29b

Fanfare for four Woodwinds

                                  Written in 1987 revised March 2012

Contact us for a free study score or see it below

The 2012 verision can be seen and purchase from:

The 2020 version study score can seen below.

I Ching divider © 2020 Richard O. Burdick

Composed for a concert at Trinity Chamber Concerts in Berkeley, California with the Bay Wind Quintet and pianist Ken Durling in 1989

A musical composition that is
a nice little piece sort of like a fanfare

If you watch the video of the score above, you will see the "X"'s. I marked the enddings of the phrases with them to help remind the players that I want each phrase to move ahead to an abrupt ending at the echses!

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© 2020 Richard Burdick's I Ching colors divider

Burdick'sOp. 29b cover

© 2020 Richard Burdick's I Ching colors divider

Study Score:

Burdick: Opus 29 score pg.1

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Burdick: Opus 29 score pg.2

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Burdick: Opus 29 score pg.2

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Burdick: Opus 29 score pg.3

© 2020 Richard Burdick's I Ching colors divider


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