The musical compositions of Richard Burdick
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Opus 266
Thine all dressed up
for narrator with chamber orchestra
Begun in 2019
This composition is in process.
A musical composition with a modern story
that emphasises color in music
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A young person named "Thine" loved to dress-up with beautiful clothes, shoes and flashy trinkets.
As Thine walked around town and school no one else was noticed because of the bright flashiness of how Thine dressed.
The trinkets shined, flashed and jingled, which covered up the murmur sounds of admiring on-lookers.
As the days passed Thine wore different beautiful clothes every day, sometimes bright red.
Sometimes turquoise, sometimes colors that couldn’t be described and each day different . . . .
. . .until no one really noticed any more. It was just routine.
Thine though “everybody else dress so dark and drably.” I wonder what that is like (Beethoven 5th slow)
So Thine wore all black clothes and the school rooms seemed so dark, but it seemed like there are more people around than was expected; drab people everywhere, formerly un-noticed. And the jingling sounds of Thines trinkets no longer hid the murmur.
Thine heard people asking questions: “I wonder how color changes our emotions?? “I wonder what would happen if we only played Bb?” and Thine didn’t know what a Bb was, so the big question got asked. Thine asked “what is a Bb?” and everybody got out music instruments and said “this is a Bb!” “hmm that’s a nice sound, it sort of like wearing orange” Thine thought. What else is there? And the musicians who were all around showed”
“This is a C” oh that’s like wearing
. . . . . .
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