The musical compositions of Richard Burdick
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Opus 210
The Conservatory of Roses
for flute, harp, viola and violoncello
Written in April 2014
In this work I began by exploring the dimmela Hovhaness faced about music without harmony.
Being that it is five movements long and ends with a choral-like piece it seems somewhat like a cantata.
The sheet music is avialble from MusicaNeo
The flute part is free from IMSLP
The movements are:
I. Basyes Purple Rose- a slow dance in 6/8 time chosen as purple because of the center tone of Eb which is high in the color spectrum.
II. Gold Blush chosen because of the orange of the key of Bb (I Ching key 49-13)
III. Purple Rose Stems in the key o Eb with a short ostinato pattern like thorns throughout.
IV. Fluffy Red Rose in the key of F
V. Baby Blue Rose the ending choral in the key of F major with the major third of F major (A) setting the tone or the color of blue.
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