Opus 33 Chamber Symphony # 4 for viola, ‘cello, bass, piano & woodwind quintet.
Opus 77 Baroque Shapes and Space music for solo viola and tape 13 min.
Opus 87 Music of rocks for Guitar and Viola (1993)
Opus 95.2.1 Chromatic universal rhythm viola & piano version
Opus 141 Avant Garde Pieces
--A (1/3/6)B Concerto for any instrument
--B Nice Notes . .
Opus 144 Pierot de Dance septet for flute, clarinet, piano, harpsichord, violin, viola & 'cello
Opus 148 "One -hundred-twenty-eight Amens" for two or more unspecified instruments that are micro-tunable
Opus 150 "We Give Thanks "for six unspecified instruments
Opus 210 The Conservatory of Roses for flute, harp, viola & cello
Opus 228 Quartet Sonata for clarinet, horn, viola & cello
Opus 289 Duet for horn and viola
See also string ensemble music