The musical compositions of Richard Burdick
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Opus 99
I Ching Scales
(Version two)
Opus 99 is the book of I Ching Scales (version 2)
really a catch-all opus number for scale studies, interval studies, the arpeggios and more. There are 16 volumes of music "Interval Studies" . . . .an excellent set of books to practise sit-reading and harder intervals
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There are
Also as part of opus 200 are the books:
opus 99b: I
Ching Arpeggios
This work is registered with ASCAP as #2806467
I have hear rumors that a number of these piece have been performed please let me know of performances.
The sheet music is available upon request.
The original wind chime set can be rented
To learn me about the recording click here
or go to the cdBabay page here
opus 99c-q : I Ching Interval studies ( in 16 books)
opus 99r: Hunting etudes
opus 99s: I Ching Energy Patterns
The CD Portal is a version of the Interval studies (IC #48) so it should be classifiled as opus 99m.1
Richard Burdick’s interval studies are based on his I ching scale system. The full set of sixty-four intervals can be obtained from his There are sixteen books of 28 pages each.
Theses are quite methodical studies
Sixty-four pieces using his I-Ching scales system organized into an arpeggio pattern based on the relationship between the artificial scale and the natural overtone series. Presented from fastest to slowest, with the tempo determined by the vibration of the key.
For over 30 years, composer Richard Burdick has been using I Ching inspired scales as a foundation for his compositions. The I Ching is sort of a fortune telling system of the ancient Chinese. Being a binary system, it suggests scale intervals of either half steps or whole steps. It is ideal for scales structures.
Like the scales of Northern India, the scales are divided into two tetrachord-like-sets of three intervals. Mr. Burdick mostly uses the perfect fifth to separate the two sets of three intervals. He also has a complete system of fixed tones for each scale that are an attempt to organize the whole system of 64 scales
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