The musical compositions of Richard Burdick
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               Opus 97

Gamut & Hey
for flute, violin. horn and piano

               May 1996

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Written in May 10, 1996

Gamut & Hey is titled because I am using the whole "Gamut" of the scale, and the work is in an interweaving circular dance of the frequency of the tones of the scale.

This work recieved three performances in Davis during the Spring of 1996

Elizabeth Coranata, flute
Robert Bloch, violin
Richard Burdick, horn

A second version of this short work was trascribed for the "True Jive Pluckers" of Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada. Transcribed for Violin, guitar, double bass and orchestra

I would be happy to make other versions of the work. The piano part has beeing performed as tape or as harpichord, and has been arranged for full orchestra.


 This work is registered with ASCAP
  the ASCAP work ID is: 370274552






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