The musical compositions of Richard Burdick
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Opus 49
Sculpture V "Dream in light blue"
for solo multi-phonic horn
The sheet music is free (down below).
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Performances: 1/12/92 Davis Arts Center, 8/24/89 First Unitarian Church of Berkeley 4/1/(89) with the Volta Ensemble. on CD6
Written for Richard's solo performance in the late 1980's
This composition is meditative and toning. Itis based on a Byzantine chant which draws the set of five scuptures to a logical conclusion; a transition from avante-guard to medieval, from chaotic to ordered. It is fully multi-phonic.
A musical work for an easy break in a recital
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This set of horn solos started in my college days at California State University @ Hayward, explores some of the strange sounds one can produce on the horn, but they primarily explore the technique of singing and playing the horn simultaneously.
My Sculptures are a very important part of my compositional output as they are key pieces from several different periods in my compositional life.
See also Sculpture I - III, Op. 43
Sculpture IV, Op. 48
This music is here for free download. All performance must be reported to this website owner (find the contact link on the left.) All performances where the audience pays to hear the concert need to be reported to ASCAP.
This work is registered with ASCAP
the ASCAP work ID is: 490635766
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