The musical compositions of Richard Burdick
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Opus 224
Wizard of OZ (1910)
for chamber orchestra with film
for flute, oboe, clarinet, bassoon,
horn, trumpet, trombone
timpani, vibraphone,
percussion, piano
and strings.
To premiere in a version for Brass trio with film and sound track on the free library series April 17, 2016 at the Downtown library Regina, SK Canada.
Watch the demo here:
Sections and scenes:
1-16 (seconds) Title
16-28 Crazy Donkey
28-32 Title: Meet the onderful Scarecrow
32-1:16 Scarecrow
1:16-1:43 in the Hay
1:43-1:48 Title: The Cyclone
2:15 The Cyclone
2:15-2:20 Blown into the land of OZ
2:20-2:50 hay in OZ
2:50-58 Momba the Witch asserts her power over the wizard of OZ
2:58-3:27 regal event
3:27-3:50 letter
3:50-4:09 marching around
4:09-13 Smoke
4:13-33 Jumping and Dancing
4:33-38 Tittle: Glinda the Good Changes Toto into a Real Protector
4:38-51 slow lyon
4:51-5:26 Crazy lyon
5:26-36 Letter
5:36- Animals March
5:56-6:02 Title: Ton Woodman
6:02 march to frozen tin man
6:26 unfrozen
6:42-7:03 Tin man plays the flute
7:03- Dance
7:40-5 Title: Encounter with Momba the Witch
7:458:38- Dark Jumping music
8:38-43 Title: Water is Fatal
8:43 Scheeming
9:18-23 Title: Entering the Emerald City (C major)
9:23-10:07 Emerald City
10:07-10:12 Title: The Wizard free the Scarecrow
10:12 Regal
11:40-5 Title the Wizard prepairs for Flight
11:45-12:01 comotion
12:01 Dance
12:29-34 Title: The Wizard Bids Good Bye to OZ
12:34 in the ballon
12:57 balloon up
The score to the silent film from 1910 for chamber orchestra by Richard O. Burdick written in 2016
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