The musical compositions of Richard Burdick
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Opus 166
Vista No. 1 "Frozen"
for horn and video tape
Richard Burdick's compositions with film No. 1.
Premiered April 29, 2012 in Regina, SK Canada
US premiere took place at the
International horn symposium 44 in Denton, Texas May 15, 2012
Thanks to the
Saskatchewan Arts board
for providing a travel grant in support of the US Premiere of this work.
This is the video I made in 2016:
Commissioned by Monica Martinez
The video, will have a shot of winter birds that will slowly rise to the top r. corner, and with that I think it'll fluctuate from frozen tree shots to snow shot . . . I have a minute of the music written . . . slowly.
- I worked for a while on a different idea, that I am not going to complete. We have had some amazing days of the trees covered in Hoarfrost So I have filmed two days of trees covered in beautiful frost. I think this will be great. The idea for instrument and video is that the musician sits in front of the screen, so the film is projected around you and gives sort-of an aura effect. I am back to my I Ching Scales and have randomly chosen two scales (44 & 62) I am writing a score with nine lines four above the solo and four below, each set of four is strictly in the tonality of one of the two scales. I could manipulate sound electronically, but I am thinking more in terms that this could be video with nine musicians including the horn solo if people want different versions, so I am sticking more to computer generated sounds that are sort of normal. Besides some bird sounds on the tape. Any suggestion yet? Oh the title : "Frozen, opus 166" for horn with video tape I am hoping for a piece about 8 minutes long
When was the work in progress? : At this point (January 2011I have the the video done and the whole structure of the piece in standard
music notation 25% completed
score. SOON!
+This is my first work with video tape
+This is the first work that the tempo has determined the scale. (I have the speeds of each key systematized so that the vibration rate of the tonic could set the tempo of the music)
+ Maybe not a first: I plotted out the form then used math to determined the length of each section
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Images from the video:
Premiered April 29th 2012 with video version one (solo129) US
premiere May 15th 2012 with video version two (solo130) 9 minutes 42 seconds long
Here are two photos from the performance at the International Horn society Symposium in Denton, Texas, where this work received its US premiered May 15, 2012
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