The musical compositions of Richard Burdick
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Opus 154
Five Anonymous Pieces No. 2
for Brass trio (time)
maybe 2008
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Movement one horn version:
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Op. 154a version for three horns
Op. 154b version for trumpet, horn, and trombone
Op. 154c version for horn, trombone and tuba
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I like this piece so much that I made three version of it.
This work is complete in five movements. Movement 1, 3, & 5 are based on the style of music from around 1400.
Movement #2 subtitled “Tritonus” is based on my I Ching Scales #5 in G and #34 in C#. I think this is a terrific work; perhaps one of my finest I Ching Scale works.
Movement #4 is an okay work that is based on I Ching Scale #64 in D#. This movement provides a short solo for each of the three instruments. Many performers when hearing dissonances stop trying to make a musical phrase, this mistake must not be done here!
Keys are:
1: Phrygian (E) , ending dorian (D)
I Ching #5 (in G) and #34 (C#) Tritonus
3: Phrygian (E)
4: I Ching #64 (in D#)
5: Phrygian (E)
The premiere performance:
What: Brass Trio Concert; music of Brahms, Burdick, Josquin, McLean and more!
When: 3 P. M. Sunday, May 25th 2008
Where: Westminster United Church; 3025 13th Avenue; Regina, SK S4T 1P1, Canada
Who: Nigel Taylor, trumpet; Richard Burdick, horn; Colin Neufeld, trombone
Performing music of Brahms, Burdick, Josquin, McLean and more.
News story:
The three newest members of the Regina Symphony Orchestra Brass section have joined forces in this brand new ensemble. A brass trio with trumpet, horn and trombone is a wonderful ensemble that is really three soloists working together, a clear, clean, exciting brass group that shows of the virtuosity of the players.
The three musicians are tremendously diversified in their music experience. Trumpeter Nigel Taylor is also a member of the Nancy Ray-Guns, Oye featuring Def3 and his own group New Collections; a free jazz ensemble.
Colin Neufeld, trombone, has been a member of R & B bands, the group House of Payne and Stepchyld and is now a member of the Ska Band Skavenjah.
French Horn player Richard Burdick, is a member of the RSO core, recording artist, and works with authentic practice Baroque and classical music on valve-less horn (natural horn) All three of these diverse musicians are members of the Regina Symphony Orchestra and are all composers!
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This work is complete in five movements. Movement 1, 3, & 5 are based on the style of music from around 1400.
Movement #2 subtitled “Tritonus” is based on my I Ching Scales #5 in G and #34 in C#. I think this is a terrific work; perhaps one of my finest I Ching Scale works.
Movement #4 is an okay work that is based on I Ching Scale #64 in D#. This movement provides a short solo for each of the three instruments. Many performers when hearing dissonances stop trying to make a musical phrase, this mistake must not be done here!
The Electrum Brass Trio c. 2012
A little more about the three demos. They were recorded during the Wuhan Virus shutdown and completed March 24 2020, I recorded all the parts on horn. For the trumpet part, I recorded this on horn, but an octave low, then with the plug-in "Spectral effects" I transposed it up one octave and 11 point into the bright spectrum. For the trombone and tuba, I recorded them an octave high and the transposed them down an octave. Trombone was put 1 point into the bright, and tuba was 12 points into the warm.
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