The musical compositions of Richard Burdick
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Opus 102
for 16 similar instruments
October 1996
This recording was made by Richard Burdick in early June 2007. The piece
should be played non-stop, but due to file size, it has been broken down into
two parts:
opus 102 part one
opus 102 part two
This work is not in equal temperament tuning,
it's tuning is based on the overtone series, up to the 27th partial.
This was written in October 1996,
just after the demise of the Sacramento Symphony,
where Richard played 4th horn full-time.
I am always glad to have comments from people who are will to let them be posted:
"I quite liked your composition. It comes off much more worked out than is implied. I don't know of anyone else who has taken the harmonic series up that high on f. Horn either
i have been using the i ching since 77 and actually have a book that records all the ones i have thrown. Well most of them cause i have had a few bouts when i might throw it 6 times in a day. It sure helps.
i figure someday i will use it in a composition. some how!"
Kraig Grady
North American Embassy of Anaphoria Island
The Wandering Medicine Show
Wondering what this was about, I googled and found the piece
at issue here. I don't know how on earth anyone could not be
amazed by that kind of pitch control on natural horn, whatever
taste one might have in terms of the composition. Personally,
I found it quite attractive. Bravo, Mr. Burdick!
Aaron Hunt
H-Pi Instruments
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