The musical compositions of Richard Burdick for:


Opus 5A Autumn from the Season Suite arranged for Woodwind Quintet

Opus 5 Season Suite for Woodwind Octet (1982)

Opus 7 Symmetry I & II for wind quintet (1982)

Opus 9A The Inner Ring for woodwind quintet  1982 premiere 10/14/82

Opus 16 Polaris Overture for flute, oboe, trumpet, clarinet, horn, violin, ‘cello and organ.

Opus 26 Phoenix for violin, ‘cello and woodwind quintet

Opus 33 Chamber Symphony # 4 for viola, ‘cello, bass, piano & woodwind quintet.

Opus 35 Duet for Clarinet and Horn, Trios; January 1987

Opus 37 Sonata for Woodwind Quintet and Piano 1987

Opus 38 Suite in six movements for woodwind quintet 1987

Opus 46 Pastoral “for wind quintet

Opus 47 Suite #2 for Woodwind Quintet 1988

Opus 61 Dust Off (healing the wounds) for W. W. quintet  Summer 1991 written for David Granger (Solo Bassoon) Dedicated to Medical Aviators who served in the Vietnam conflict.

Opus 66 "The Hunt" for Woodwind Octet (0222 2000)

Opus 79 Cat Music for clarinet and piano November 1993
Premiered as a clarinet and tape piece in Berkeley 2002 with Rob Bailis, clarinet 

Opus 95.2.1 Chromatic universal rhythm clarinet & piano version 

Opus 103 Trio #1 for Clarinet, Horn & Bassoon Trios. April 1997

Opus 105 Trio #2 for Clarinet, Horn & Bassoon Trios premiered April 1997

Opus 106 Ramaprya for Woodwind Quintet

Opus 111b Sinfonia II version for clarinet, violoncello & piano

Opus 127 Chamber Symphony # 6 for clarinet, horn, piano, bass and tape

Opus 133 Chamber Symphony # 7 for clarinet, horn, piano, bass and tape

Opus 135 Horn & clarinet duet

Opus 141 Avant Garde Pieces
--A (1/3/6)B Concerto for any instrument
--B Nice Notes . . .

Opus 148 "One -hundred-twenty-eight Amens" for two or more unspecified instruments that are micro-tunable

Opus 150 "We Give Thanks "for six unspecified instruments

Opus 151 "Gateway Through Stillness" for Violin solo with Flute, Oboe, Clarinet, 2 Bassoons, Trumpet and Horn.

Opus 155b  September Summer, 2013 for flute, clarinet and horn

Opus 216   A Little Jiggle for wind quintet

Opus 228   Quartet Sonata for clarinet, horn, viola & cello

Opus 231   The Woodpecker for Oboe, Clarinet with videotape

Very important work for clarinet:
Opus 242  The Mindsetnonet 3 of clarinets, horns & violoncelli

Opus 262   Makoshika Suite A quartet for flute, oboe, clarinet, and
videotape (with or without orchestra)

Opus 270   Mindset: Rain Forrest, Plains, Waltz & Sun - nonet

Opus 271   Mindset: Infinite Hex sextet - 2 cl, 2 hns & 2 celli

Opus 272   The Mindset: Depth of Experience 3 cl., 1 hn & 3 celli

Opus 273   The Mindset Duet "intimate" - Clarinet & 'cello

Opus 275   The Mindset "Brainstorm trio" 3 clar's

Opus 276   Mindset: Quintet - clarinet, horn & three celli

Opus 277  The Mindset: "Self-Realization" - solo clarinet

Opus 278  Mindset: Omega & Alpha Octet (3 cl, 2 hn & 3 celli)

Opus 279  The Mindset: Solo clarinet addendum

Opus 291 Duet - clarinet & horn No. 2

Opus 315 Septet in G

Opus 327 Nobo Patorale in D

Opus 328 Chamber Symphony No. 15

Opus 329 Chamber Symphony No. 16

Opus 336 Crackling Fire for videotape with two clarinets and horn

rainbow colored divider

Bass Clarinet

Opus 65 Flowing Lines of Silence  for Violin, Horn and Bass Clarinet Nov. - Dec. 1991

Opus 84 Khrushchev Portrait for narrator, solo Bass Clarinet, solo English horn and two chamber orchestras.

Opus 141 Avant Garde Pieces
--A (1/3/6)B Concerto for any instrument
--B Nice Notes . . .

Opus 206 HLP flows for two similar instruments and tape

Opus 327 Nobo Patorale in D

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