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The musical compositions of Richard Burdick for:


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(not including orchestral works)

Opus 10   The Middle Ring for brass quintet

Opus 28  Tuba Sonata November (1985 Rev. 1994)

Opus 63   Little G minor Fanfare  for brass choir (4231)

Opus 90   Calypso for symphony brass ensemble (Summer 1997)

Opus 92  Artifice for symphony brass (4231) (October 1995)

Opus 95.2.1   Chromatic universal rhythm tuba & piano version 

Opus 114   Four scherzi for brass quintet

Opus 118   Horn Concerto No. 3 for horn with brass quintet

Opus 130a Octet for (Ensemble 2020) flute, oboe, Engish horn, clarinet, Bassoon, horn, cornet and tuba

Opus 141   Avant Garde Pieces
--A (1/3/6)B   Concerto for any instrument
--B   Nice Notes . . .

Opus 145b  Five anonymous pieces No. 1 for brass quintet

Opus 148  One-hundred-twenty-eight Amens for two or more unspecified instruments that are micro-tunable

Opus 150   We Give Thanks for six unspecified instruments

Opus 160   Free Trio No. 1 for three unspecified melody instruments

Opus 165   Electrum Fanfares (No.'s 1-4) for horn, trombone & tuba

Opus 164   Electrum Quartet No. 1: Aria & Fugue for horn, trombone, tuba and organ

Opus 167   Free Trio No. 2 for three unspecified melody instruments

Opus 175   Free Trio No. 3 for alto & bass instrument and organ

Opus 180   Free Trio No. 4 for three unspecified melody instruments                   and six bells or chimes

Opus 181    Resonance I (in 2 parts) for three instruments & chimes

Opus 183   The piece without a name for waterphone & trio

Opus 191  Fill-up-Glass for Brass Trio

Opus 192  The Wind in the Woods & Fanfare- symphonic brass

Opus 193  Church Suite II for Brass Trio

Opus 196   Flowers symphonic brass, handbells, marimba, timpani

Opus 202   Earth & Moon for four players

Opus 229   Meditation for Brass trio with organ

Opus 250   The Body Set- - Concerto for Brass Quintet and video tape with or without orchestra.

Opus 268   Rings of Saturn for brass quintet

Opus 269   More Outer Ring for brass quintet

Opus 280 Mini Concerto No. 1 for trumpet, cornet, horn and trombone

Opus 281 Mini Concerto No. 2 for horn and trombone

Opus 282 Mini Concerto No. 3 for trumpet, horn and trombone

Opus 283 Mini Concerto No. 4 for horn, trombone and tuba

Opus 286 Mini Concerto No. 7 for solo trombone

Opus 287 Mini Concerto No. 8 for brass quintet

Opus 288 Duet for horn and trombone

Opus 351 Puffy Snow for 2 trumpets, trombone & bass trombone

image divider © 2020 Richard O. Burdick

Notes about tuba works:

Works for standard Brass Quintet are: Op. 10, 114 & 145b

Microtonal works that most likely will not work for tuba, but just in case, there on the list: 148, 150 and maybe 202, but Op. 202 can be done in an equal tempered version too.

There are a few large brass ensemble works: 90, 92 & 196 these were written for the brass players of the "Music in the Mountains" Summer festival, back when they did an annual brass concert.

The Electrum Brass Trio was a trio of horn, trombone and tuba work on the list from 160 to 193 were written for this group.

image divider © 2020 Richard O. Burdick

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I Ching Music.

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