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The musical compositions of Richard Burdick

I Ching Music logoOpus 346
I Ching Scales
and modes
for solo instrument with
piano and drums

This work is a work-in-progress.

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Op. 345Opus TourOpus 347
Burdick's Opus 346 page one

Date composed:
c. 2024-5

Video below was performed by:
Richard Burdick's horn & swam ensemble

Find the sheet music on

I Ching Music's divider @ Richard Burdick 2020

Program Notes:

Opus 346 is a full set of all 64 scales and all the modes. It is an I Ching Cycle intended as gebrachtsmusic, and and so much as a piece of music to listen to.
It is an amazing way to improve sight-reading for musicians with all its difficulties. Sorry the piano part is so hard.

The solo instrument plays the scales and modes while the piano play a part derived from the overtone row of the scale, and the drums beat out the I Ching Rhythm.

Opus 346a is the first version of the piano accompaniment for I Ching 01-01

Opus 346b is the first version of the piano accompaniment for I Ching 02-44

Opus 346c is the first version of the piano accompaniment for I Ching 24-52

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I Ching Music's divider @ Richard Burdick 2020


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I Ching Music's divider @ Richard Burdick 2020

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I Ching Music's divider @ Richard Burdick 2020

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Burdick's Opus 346 page one

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I Ching Music's divider @ Richard Burdick 2020

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I Ching Music's divider @ Richard Burdick 2020

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I Ching Music's divider @ Richard Burdick 2020
I Ching divider © 2020 Richard O. Burdick

© 2025 Richard O. Burdick
I Ching Music.

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