The musical compositions of Richard Burdick
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Opus 17
A Puff of Smoke
flute, horn and drum set
(1983 rev. 1993 & 2013)
Find the recording on CD55 at BandCamp
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This duet from my early I Ching period is a nice dancy style. It's hard as just a duet as it originally was written, so I have added a drum set which makes it much easier.
The you tube video may be a little faster that the average college student may want to take it. Bear in mind that this gets faster throughout.
In a live performance there would need to be a little extra time for the horn player to pull the mouthpieces for the air sound at the end.
I am questioning the big leap in bar 76-77 of the horn part. I don't see why you can't take beat two of 76 up and octave and beat one of 77 down so it becomes a smoother range change.
This work is registered with ASCAP
the ASCAP work ID is: 111111
Buy the sheet music from musicneo ($15.00)
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Score and parts $12.
Buy a printed version sent by mail $30
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