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The musical compositions of Richard Burdick
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                   Opus 11

Blue Stone Fantasy
for flute, horn harp and 'cello

                   March 1983

Buy the sheet music via MusicaNeo

Op. 10bOpus TourOpus 12

Dedicated to my friend Robert Gardyne

Written in March of 1983 after the poem (following)

Final copy was made January of 2015. Revisions have been merely to make the harp part more playable.

Buy the sheet music via MusicaNeo

Burdick, Blue Stone Fantasy, Op. 11

The Blue Stone

Sunsets of turquoise and lambs’ white fleece
          Swirled leagues away in the palm of my hand.

Cool and noble Stone of priceless lease

          Granted to a man of common birth.

On a day as fragrant as a Spring in May’
          While I crafted stones in my cottage small,

                    Outside did the river softly sing

                    And to my heart compulsion bring

          Drawing me from hearth with potent call

To travel along an unknown way.

Uncountable are the hours or the days

          'Till I walked along a moonlit sea

And fell asleep upon the shore ;

          The waves arose and beckoned me
In dream to a cove never visited.

There amid water, rushing, churning,

          The sea did part to fulfill my yearning,

Quested object no more concealed,

          Blue Stone to my eyes revealed.

I awoke in golden streams of sunlight,
Ocean kissing my sandy bed,
The sky blue above my hands could reach

          My eyes picked the path that homeward led

While the Stone my pocket gently tended.



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I Ching Music.

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