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Richard Burdick's reviews

(list forgetton and not kept track of for many years)

November 22, 2004
Leader-Post page A7
"the voice of authority - through principal French horn Richard Burdick"

Sacramento Bee
pg. D52/1/94
“Nowlen and Burdick produced gloriously noble sounds. There was also fine work from . . .” Cantata 212 “which has a horn obligato . . . well played by Burdick”.

January 17, 1994
The Sacramento Bee
From “Gospel: Symphony really swings” A brilliant arrangement by Brian Gaber and Richard Burdick”

Clark Mitze KXPR radio
January 20, 1992
“Burdick’s orchestration made effective use of both instrumental and choral effects”

Brenda Chin Concert / Lecture Series City College of San Franscico. March 1989
“How did he do that? That’s what every body was asking after hearing you perform your “Sculpture IV” piece.”

International Horn Society Newsletter,
 June 1988
“Haydn with the spirit of Scriabin”

The Berkeley Gazette
April 1983
"Richard’s Horn solo . . . was particularly well done."

The Berkeley Gazette
April 1983
“Richard Burdick who plays French horn with the group has written a fascinating Suite that is a study in textures. . . . While the music is not programatic, the titles, Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter, are suggestive and the music leads the listener down a “garden path” of audial images that “conjur up” visual pictures.


This is the page containing all known reviews of my CD's (Other things)


CD9 Jewell Jewell Revies


cd9 IHS
CD9 Review
cd15 IHS
CD15 Review
CD16 Review


CD17 Review
cd18 - three cd's
CD3 Review


As a composer: The newsest comment:VSO Note


I Ching divider © 2020 Richard O. Burdick

© 2025 Richard O. Burdick
I Ching Music.

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