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Richard Burdick's

Declaration of Religion and Patriotism

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The New statement on native
(March 2023):

I am a human who identifies as a native North American. I am a good citizen of USA (California) and Canada. I was born in North America. My family has blended with Europeans that came over to the continent in 1636. With some native blood and a sir name that has been on the continent for almost 400 year, I am sure that is long enough to call myself a native North American.

Richard O. Burdick’s
Embraces these things:

Considering what I've been exposed to this last season (2017) on my job: the pride of our first nations people and the hurt they expressed from the so-called “schools” they were forced into, I have been introspective.

My father strongly believes that he is part Native American, and with the Burdick family having walked the North American continent since 1636, there is a great chance that his belief is true.
              I embrace this as part of me.

More important than heritage bloodlines to me is my family's history with the Seventh Day Baptist Church. My father Rev. Oscar Burdick is an ordained minister in the SDBC, and my family’s involvement with this church goes back many generations.   I embrace Christianity as part of my heritage.

I am proud to know the SDBC has a history of helping escaped slaves on the “underground railroad.”   I embrace freedom as part of me.

I am proud of American patriot Benjamin Burdick who was present at the “Boston massacre” and whose testimony was key at the trial.I embrace my American Heritage as part of me. For the people

With pride I proclaim Saturday is my Sabbath as my ancestors believed and I am an American patriot in full support of President Donald Trump.

For Peace and Justice!

Richard Oscar Burdick
Monday, April 30, 2018

Reaffirmed December 21, 2024

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I Ching Music.

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