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artistic statement:


I am a Composer who:
Explores – the process of exploration as a composer is a balance between 1) looking back, 2) looking forward and 3) looking inward. All three aspects of exploration are a constant process. Since time is really all now, looking back is really more looking at what has survived to the present, or which I am able to dig up by research. Looking forward has a lot to do with patterns and trends as well as the many choices I make relating to what I think makes quality in music and what I believe quality is. Looking inward helps define quality and nature.
Nature of
sound, and how it affects us both in a psychological & physiological way is very important to me. This relates to the both the physics of sound and ourselves. The natural relationship between tones, the shape of our hand, the amount of breath, eight tone scales, overtone relationships, internal human rhythms, & much more all fit into my category of nature.
The artificial scales I use are based on the binary and hexachordal Chinese I Ching system. This way of thinking, basing a piece of music on a scale is so ingrained in me that for example, when I set out to write eleven pieces for solo piano based on two different major triads the triads quickly become a scale. This summarizes what I do.

Humanity statement:

I am a living breathing spiritual person; a human being

Richard Oscar Burdick

RIchard Oscar & Hernu in Yellowstone NP

© 2025 Richard O. Burdick
I Ching Music.

All rights reserved.